Meditation & Spiritual Growth

Reach profound meditative states quickly and easily with Hemi-Sync®.

New to meditation?

Inner States:
Dawning of Awareness

With these Hemi-Sync® exercises you will explore methods to activate
the power within yourself, achieve inner peace, remain centered and calm in
times of uncertainty, and transcend limiting thought patterns.

For experienced meditators

For experienced meditators we recommend verbally guided or unguided Hemi-Sync® binaural beats exercises, such as Metamusic®, to reach a deep meditative state quickly and hold it for longer. Join Robert Monroe, and other experts, as you learn to deeply relax and explore expanded states of awareness. Discover how you are much more than your physical body, and live more meaningfully!

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The Hemi-Sync® Phenomenon: In Search of Empirical Theories

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