Sleep Better
Having trouble with insomnia, falling asleep, staying asleep, or just need a refreshing nap? Try our Hemi-Sync® sleep products made just for you.
Not sure where to start?
Not sure where to start? Let Hemi-Sync® help you produce the natural brain- wave patterns of the Delta sleep state using our unique binaural beats technology. Try Serene Sleep now! Or check out our titles for Dreams
Recommended For You
Learn to sleep better as part of a six album set containing ambient music and guided exercises for falling asleep
Best sellers in sleep
Most celebrated albums loved by our listeners
Super Sleep
MP3 $17.48 Mind Food®Enjoy the benefits of totally refreshing, natural sleep.
New Releases
Check-out our fresh, new products.
Sacred Sleep
MP3 $21.86 Mind Food®Experiencing Sacred Sleep is like entering a temple of light.
Sound Sleeper
MP3 $17.48 Mind Food® Voiced by Robert MonroeEnjoy the restorative benefits of a good night’s rest with Sound Sleeper.
MP3 $17.48 Human Plus® Voiced by Robert MonroeMove easily and comfortably into natural, restful sleep and leave your daily concerns behind.
Restorative Sleep
MP3 $17.48 Human Plus® Voiced by Robert MonroeEasily enter into a deeply restorative sleep and support the process of healing.
Related articles and research papers
How Lack of Sleep Affects Us
The Meaning Behind Dreams
Blue Light and Sleep
Hemi-Sync® Into Creativity
The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
Sleep, Beautiful Sleep
Why do we Sleep?
The Sound Medicine of Brian Dailey, M.D.
EEG and Subjective Correlates of Alpha-Frequency Binaural-Beat Stimulation Combined with Alpha Biofeedback
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