• By Genre

    • Mind Food®
    • Metamusic®
    • Gateway Experience®
    • Album Series
    • Voiced by Robert Monroe
    • Human Plus®
    • Non-Hemi-Sync® Albums
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Child & Baby

Child & Baby

Hemi-Sync titles to help children with relaxation, focused attention and insomnia.


Information reported by individuals and/or by professional practitioners about the use of Hemi-Sync® Products.


After my child spent a period of weeks listening to Metamusic tapes while falling asleep, her preschool teacher said to me, "I am amazed at her attention span, her ability to listen to and follow directions, her desire to do what pleases, and the effort she is willing to expend to master activities that are hard or challenging for her."


The results of introducing Hemi-Sync to children in a special education setting were incredible. Hemi-Sync seemed to stimulate cortical integration and whole-brain learning. One autistic child was able to sleep at night for the first time, with the Surf tape, which also improved the ability of an emotionally-impaired six-year-old to relate interpersonally.


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