Visionssuche (Vision Quest)

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Visionssuche (Vision Quest)

Code MA073G

Sie haben den Heiligen Kreis betreten und sind von Stammesältesten umgeben, als Ihre Visionssuche beginnt… Spirituelles Trommeln findet sein Echo in den Tiefen Ihrer Seele, während Ihre Energie mit allem, was ist, verschmilzt. “U-Tao-Chi” ist eine einzigartige Verbindung des heiligen indianischen Trommelns mit neu interpretierten rhythmischen Heilungsmustern der uralten chinesischen I-Ging-Hexagramme. Stellen Sie Ihr energetisches Gleichgewicht wieder her und steigern Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden mit den harmonisierenden Effekten dieser kraftvollen Verbindung aus Hemi-Sync® und schamanischem Trommeln, ausgeführt von Kieran DeVerniero, einem Ältesten der Kirche der amerikanischen Ureinwohner. Verwendete Instrumente: Udu, verschiedene Trommeln und Perkussion, Schekere, Klangstäbe aus Holz, Shaker und Synthesizer.

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Kieran DeVerniero

Kieran DeVerniero

Vision Quest with Hemi-Sync®

Kieran DeVerniero is a master drummer and percussionist, as well as a shamanic healer and elder in the Native American Church. He has been drumming since he was 2 years old, and rhythm has always been a driving force in his life. His father, John Wooden Legs, was the spiritual and political leader of the tribe and taught Kieran traditional drumming, while his mother taught him tribal spiritual practices. Kieran plays a variety of instruments, including drums, flute, keyboard, guitar and harmonica.

His background includes:

  • Musical compositions for Aldus Corporation in Seattle, WA

  • Soundtrack creation for Long Range Productions "Silent Victory"

  • Performance at numerous international events

  • Nationally recognized rhythm workshop trainer and speaker

  • Certified Rhythm Facilitator

Kieran holds a fine arts degree with a minor in music from Montana State University with advanced education at the University of Washington.

For the last 12 years his life has been dedicated to serving others by improving their health through healing music and rhythmic sound therapy.

At the heart of all of his powerful, effective, musical compositions are the unique healing rhythm patterns of what is now known as U-Tao-Chi (pronounced oo-dow-CHEE) - a new kind of music for meditation and healing by combining Native American spiritual rhythms with Chinese I-Ching patterns.

He currently lives in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho with his wife Donna and Tigger the Cat.


What is Metamusic®

Metamusic® is more than music. From soul-stirring New Age to dramatic ambient, and the timeless popularity of classical, Metamusic combines delightful musical selections with Hemi-Sync® binaural beats sound technologies to entertain and benefit the listener. Many titles feature special blends of Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies to slow excess mental activity in order to facilitate meditation or support deeper, more profound relaxation. Other selections feature a predominance of Beta frequencies for focus and concentration, or Delta frequencies for sleep enhancement. Metamusic titles are experiential and may be used to facilitate a given application or simply for musical enjoyment (but NOT while driving or using heavy machinery).
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