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The Magical Path

The Magical Path

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The Magical Path

(10 customer reviews)
Code MF093

Manifest profound changes in your life with this 20-minute meditation.

Achieve success and fulfillment with proven techniques created by Marc Allen, master of manifestation and transformation. Based on his popular book, The Magical Path: Creating the Life of Your Dreams and a World that Works for All, Marc has encapsulated the essence of this work into a 20-minute meditation. Join thousands of others who have already created profound change in their lives by applying these simple, yet effective tools, which combine guided visualizations and affirmations with Hemi-Sync®.
Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke licensed by Enlightened Audio. Executive producer Garrett Stevens. Engineered and mastered by Kevin Cowan.

Also available in Japanese

Sign up for Marc’s self-guided online course to help you take the steps to fully realizing your dreams!

Customer Reviews

  1. Nice Production

    (verified owner)

    I feel like 30 minutes or more time passed in the track with high quality Hemi Sync.

  2. Wonderful voice and a very pleasant music!

    (verified owner)

    I loved his voice and the way the music goes with it. Perfect.
    The first 2 times i relaxed so much that soon was a sleep.
    Wished he would make another one, with his Wonderfull voice, and the same
    kind of beautiful music, but just to relax and reenergize deeply.

  3. Takes One On Journey of Wholeness

    (verified owner)

    Guided meditation to center oneself and connect to wishes, desires and vision. Great calming voice and supporting music. All in a shorter meditation. I can listen to every morning. A must have.

  4. My Favorite Guided Meditation - Highly Recoomended

    (verified owner)

    I love, love, love this – and initially I had wondered why, when I first tried this meditation it felt like slipped into a pair of well worn in and comfortable shoes – then after a while I read more about Marc and found he had co-founded New World Library with Shakti Gawain in 1977 – well Shakti was the very first Guided meditation that I had tried years and years ago and had repeated her work many many times. This had some elements that felt so familiar and warm that I instantly appreciated it. What Marc has achieved with the specific tape is to address 4 primary areas of one’s life into one meditation – firstly taking care of yourself and where you see yourself in 5 years time – how powerful alone that is. Next Abundance, then Relationships and finally the world we live in – because everything is connected and so are we all. With the final affirmation to end out the meditation I always get a sense of connectedness to the world around me and feel a part of something that transcends the limits of merely our own physical body. Try it – you will not be disappointed ! Thank-you Marc for a brilliantly effective and powerful “tape”…yea I’m old enough to think that way… -LOL – Cheers Cristian

  5. Right now my number one favorite- love it

    (verified owner)

    Marc Allen in my humble opinion- has hit a home run with this meditation tape. It is so finely tuned and distilled from years of experience. This mediation is fantastic example of quality over quantity. Marc addresses multiple aspects in a 20 min mediation. Starting with Relaxing the mind, and body before entering into a holistic approach. He leaves no stone unturned and such that by the end of this, he addresses a visualization of your future in 5 years, your health and body, abundance, relationships and then tying it all together by focusing on our interconnectedness throughout the world. The affirmations, gave me rushes of energy as he connected the mind and the heart center together in a powerful way that I have seen very few people achieve. This is my daily morning meditation at a time when the world needs an army of magicians – as we work our magic and join together and unite in the single most difficult time in our worlds recent history. Many times I have ended this meditation on such a spiritual high and with such enormous outpouring of love and appreciation what Marc has been able to achieve. If you hear Marc’s audible book – you’re gonna laugh because his philosophy is to allow things to happen in a easy and positive way….he doesn’t believe in overdoing something – this is the epitome of organic manifestation of a Devine gift to humanity. Marc – however you did this – please know your work has made a huge impact….do I recommend this ? Don’t even think twice….I already have the yearly subscription to listen to these for free – and yet I HAD to purchase this one…no question. Thank-you and Namaste Marc !

  6. Wholesome first step in training the mind

    (verified owner)

    Have you read “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill? If so, you’d know that a drifting and wandering mind is easily preyed upon by bad habits, destructive behaviours and a general descent into misery. This recording is a great start in focusing the mind on the awesome things available in every moment of life that uplift, edify and strengthen. Very much a worthwhile purchase.

  7. Krótka i doskonała medytacja

    (verified owner)

    Bardzo pomocne narzędzie pomagające osiągać wyznaczone cele. Bardziej lubię i korzystam, kiedy nie mam za bardzo czasu na dłuższą medytację.
    Translation: A very helpful tool to help you achieve your goals. I like it and use it better when I don’t have much time for long meditation.

  8. Sweet

    (verified owner)

    Although I have been a meditator for more than 50 years, I’ve had difficulty reaching Theta without using Guided Meditation for the past 18 months.
    Marc Allen’s THE MAGICAL PATH is perfect. His voice melds with the music and the images evoked and the affirmations combine to make this my favorite meditation

  9. Great meditation, highly recommended

    (verified owner)

    With so many titles that are really long, this one is a welcome change.

    Just 20 minutes but extremely powerful.

    Covers lots of ground in a short period of time and it gets you in tune with your inner self which is always great.

  10. Awesome meditation for Manifesting

    (verified owner)

    Now my favorite meditation for manifestation of my dreams


Marc Allen

Marc Allen is an internationally renowned author and president and publisher of New World Library, which he co-founded (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977. He has guided the company from a small start-up with no capital to its current position as one of the leading independent publishers in the country.

Marc is a well-known musician and composer as well, having released five albums of his music for the label he co-founded with Sky Canyon and Robert Powell, Watercourse Media.

His latest book is The Magical Path — Creating the Life of Your Dreams and a World that Works for All. Like several of his previous books, this book gives us a wide variety of simple, concrete practices that can immediately have a powerful impact in our lives.

He recently also released a fully revised version of one of his earliest books, Tantra for the West — A Direct Path to Living the Life of Your Dreams.

Of course different readers have different opinions, but The Greatest Secret of All may be Marc's most important book, because it gives us not only one of the clearest explanations of the "secret" of creating what you want in life, but also the far greater secrets of a life well-lived, a life of happiness, inner peace, ease, and fulfillment, where you contribute to making the world a better place for all.

His most popular book is The Millionaire Course: A Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your Dreams. It is an entire course, filled with keys to success.

Over the years, he has written and published several other books, including Visionary Business: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success, which brought his principles to those in the business world, and A Visionary Life, which remains one of the best books ever written on personal fulfillment.

He has also published The Type-Z Guide to Success and The Ten Percent Solution: Simple Steps to Improve Our Lives and the World, and produced some acclaimed audios, especially Stress Reduction and Creative Meditations, and a 12-part audio version of his powerful seminar called The Success with Ease In-Depth Course.

His books, audios, and workshops have been highly rewarding — even life-changing — experiences for thousands of people.

Music has always been part of his life as well. He released his first instrumental album, Breathe, in 1978; it was produced by Sky Canyon and Marc, and features Sky Canyon’s amazing vibes playing along with Marc’s soaring acoustic piano. It has sold nearly 100,000 copies over the years and been named a “New Age Golden Oldie” by NAPRA. Petals followed — also named a “New Age Golden Oldie” — featuring Marc on piano, Sky on vibes, Teja Bell on guitar, and Dallas Smith on Lyricon wind synthesizer.

Then Marc released three solo albums that are well on their way to becoming classics: Quiet Moments and Solo Flight, and his latest work, Awakening, which is a soaring, beautiful orchestral work.

Today he continues to enjoy the life of his dreams, writing inspirational works, composing beautiful, soaring music, publishing books that he loves, and living each day in joy, appreciation, and inner-peace.

For more information, visit: www.marcallen.com and www.newworldlibrary.com.

What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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