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Into the Light: Free Flow Meditations

Into the Light: Free Flow Meditations

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Into the Light: Free Flow Meditations

(1 customer review)
Code MF092

These four free-flow meditations serve as a companion to Into the Light: Near-Death Experience Meditations.

These exercises serve as a companion to the first album, Into the Light: Near-Death Experience Meditations. It is specifically designed to provide more space and alone time for exploring two of the dominant vibratory windows in the first album, White Light and the area known as the Park. It also features the vibratory windows for the other Lights found in NDE’s, Black and Clear. Now in one album, you can experience the four principal vibratory windows that near-death experiencers encounter during their journeys. Detailed guidance manual included. This album is also an excellent source for any free-flow meditation.
Music by Jonn Serrie. Executive producer Garrett Stevens. Engineered and mastered by Kevin Cowan.

Also available in:

Other titles in this series are: Into the Light: Near Death Meditations; Into the Light: Meeting Your Guides; Into the Light: Exploring the TunnelInto the Light: Embracing Source; and Into the Light: Radiating Love.
Get the complete series here (all six albums) at a special price and save!

Customer Reviews

  1. The most value of all Hemi-Sync

    (verified owner)

    I’ve been involved with Hemi-Sync and The Monroe Institute since 1986. I consider this album as the highest value of all take-home programs. It contains guiding frequencies for Focus 15, 18, 21 and 27. It is my daily go-to tool for consciousness shifting!


Scott M. Taylor, Ed.D.

Scott M. Taylor, Ed.D.

Dr. Scott Taylor has dedicated over 30 years to exploring the field of near-death experiences. His first-hand encounter with a shared NDE occurred in 1981, and he has been committed to researching others’ experiences and raising awareness ever since.

A known research and speaker in the field of NDE studies, Scott wrote his doctoral dissertation on Near-Death Experiences: Discovering and Living in Unity.

Dr. Taylor has been a skilled trainer for the Monroe Institute for over 30 years, and now serves as its Executive Director. He is author and voice of the best-selling Into the Light series. He also is the creator and facilitator of Monroe Institute’s six-day NDE Intensive, which uses the pathways laid down by NDErs to explore states of consciousness.

He served on the board of International Association for Near-Death Studies and continues to moderate their annual conference.

Scott has also been a small business mentor and educator. An accomplished business leader and former CEO, he is skilled in a broad range of leadership and business issues.

He earned his MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, and his doctorate in education from University of St. Thomas. He also holds a degree in spiritual counseling from the New Seminary.

When not immersed in NDEs, Scott is passionate about the sport of curling and all things Scottish. For his 60th birthday, he committed to wearing a kilt every day during 2014.

He is married to the love of his life, Anne Hunter.

Visit Scott’s website at www.neardeathmeditations.com.



What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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