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Do This Now

Do This Now

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Do This Now

(1 customer review)
Code HP064

Move forward and increase your energy and enthusiasm for starting, continuing or completing actions and tasks any time you wish.

Procrastination can result in increased stress, a sense of guilt, and a loss of personal productivity. Do This Now helps you tap into your positive life force flow, releasing all blocks within yourself resistant to energetic, effective action. Use this energy to access your full capabilities—to be all of who you are, complete all that you wish to accomplish, and create all that you desire. (Human Plus – verbally guided – 61 minutes.) Voiced by Patty Ray Avalon.

Customer Reviews

  1. Anti-Procrastination

    (verified owner)

    This is a great exercise which can program your brain with a command to give yourself when you are feeling low energy about doing something and you are basically procrastinating. It works great for me. It gives me a boost of motivation and energy and kicks my ass out of bed and gets me doing what I need to do. As previously said in other reviews, Human Plus exercises are worth their weight in gold. You don’t have to re-listen to them. Once the command is learned you just use it. Thank you again.

What is Human Plus®

Experience peak brain states and personal development

Human Plus®, or H-Plus®is a means of utilizing the immense power of the subconscious to affect change in your life. Each H-Plus title contains precise combinations of Hemi-Sync®frequencies that gently draw you into an extraordinarily receptive, whole-brain state while establishing the Access Channel—the ultimate communication channel to all levels of awareness—mental, physical, and emotional. By design, the Access Channel is opened during each Function Exercise, allowing you to learn a different Function Command (short, verbal cue) ranging from controlling your appetite to increasing your energy. Once the Function Command has become encoded while the Access Channel is open you can then call upon or "activate” that Function at any time, on demand, in everyday life situations. The H-Plus series offers a different kind of pathway to new levels of freedom—to becoming Human Plus.

Listening Instructions

Human Plus teaches you to reproduce desired effects at will. Use any standard stereo system with headphones, or position yourself between speakers. Keep volume low so you just understand the words, and imagine yourself doing what the words describe. You may or may not fall asleep. There are no subliminal messages – the occasional verbal message at very low volume during a “sleep” period is simply a repetition of previously heard information.

Listen to the PREP track (Track 1) once or twice, then listen to Track 2 once or twice. Start using the Function Command during appropriate daily activities. Continue listening to Track 2 for reinforcement until you feel confident using the Function Command.

When using the Function Command, simply allow it to work. The effect may or may not be immediate. The more you use the Function Command, the more effective it becomes.
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