Communicating with Animals (Japanese)

Patty Summers
Patty has received training in the Tellington T-Touch, is a Reiki Master, and has studied several other healing and behavioral techniques. She also incorporates the use of flower remedies in her work with the animals.
She currently provides communication workshops as well as private consultations for animals and their human companions to resolve conflicts and aid in understanding each other.
Patty is the author of the award winning Talking With The Animals, and a video, Reawakening to Animal Communication has been produced on her work.
Visit Patty’s website:
What is Heart-Sync®
Heart Expanding and Mind Awakening
Heart-Sync exercises feature frequencies that focus on opening ourselves to our heart’s intuition and energy. This line of products was developed by Laurie Monroe, who had a wonderful ability to live from her heart and encourage others to do the same. Heart-Sync exercises incorporate verbal guidance and subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies.
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