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Focusing In Podcast #44: Becoming Psychic with Lisa Williams and Barry Goldstein

In this podcast episode Garrett Stevens is joined by Lisa Williams and Barry Goldstein to discuss how to activate you...


Showing 51-60 of 103
Sound and Music as Therapy

Hemi-Sync Staff - Oct 9, 2015

This is an excerpt from a pamphlet written by Jack Geikler titled, “Some Further Thoughts on Dementia Caregiving,” a report...

Mental Health Music
Stress – America’s #1 Health Problem

Aleksander Komarenko - Jul 19, 2015

Seventeen years ago the government passed a resolution declaring April “Stress Awareness Month,” in hopes of increasing public awareness and...

Meditation Mental Health Relax Wellness
Stopping Unwanted Behaviors – Ending Addictive and Compulsive Patterns through Compassion

Igor Zheleznov - May 31, 2015

Stopping Unwanted Behaviors – Ending Addictive and Compulsive Patterns through Compassion by Craig Metz, MS, LMFT Most of us do...

Meditation Mental Health Psychology Self Improvement Wellness
The Meaning Behind Dreams

Igor Zheleznov - May 1, 2015

What is the true meaning behind dreams? Can they be decoded? By Rebecca Turner Dreams are like letters from the unconscious...

Lucid Dreaming Psychology Sleep
Interview with William Buhlman – Destination: Higher Self!

Hemi-Sync Staff - Mar 30, 2015

[caption id="attachment_638" align="alignleft" width="169"] Bill Buhlman[/caption] Q: How did you become interested in out-of-body experiences? A: In 1972 a friend...

Meditation OBE
The Practice of Loving-Kindness

Hemi-Sync Staff - Feb 3, 2015

“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for...

Interview with Peter-Jack Rainbird

Hemi-Sync Staff - Oct 27, 2014

Artist, It Dreams in Me Monroe Products: It Dreams in Me is from your original album, Unravel. What influenced you...

Creative Inspiration

Igor Zheleznov - Sep 2, 2014

by Maria Monroe Whitehead What is creativity? Maya Angelou said, "You can't use up creativity. The more you use the...

Manifest Meditation
“Good, Good, Good Vibrations”

Igor Zheleznov - Jul 1, 2014

Using Heart Energy to Create Wealth Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT Many people find it difficult to avoid becoming affected by...

Manifest Meditation Psychology
Interview with artist Byron Metcalf

Hemi-Sync Staff - May 30, 2014

The Shaman’s Heart II with Hemi-Sync® Monroe Products: Why did you create The Shaman’s Heart II? What is different from...

Meditation Music Shamanism
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