Dear Explorer,

We’re almost two months into 2020, and only a psychopath would say “Happy New Year!” at this point, but I would have written sooner were we not so busy. Let’s get to it!

New Releases

It’s always a pleasure to begin work on a new Suzanne Giesemann album because we never know when we’ve done the last one with her. As a medium, Suzanne simply creates the scripts for the exercises as she receives them from her team of guides, whom she refers to collectively as “Sanaya.”

Mediumship: Making the Connection is the latest in her series, and I honestly think it’s her strongest work yet. She expertly guides the listener into an expanded state of consciousness beyond the veil while offering several bits of coaching that really help to optimize the experience. In particular, she reminds us that there is a time to be passive in meditation, and also times where it is more appropriate to be active, while providing specific examples and techniques.

The release of this album came at a particularly difficult time for her personally, with the transition of her beloved dachshund, Gretchen. However, it also brought new revelations. Check out our conversation here for the full scoop.

New Frontiers is a new Metamusic® piece that will take you on a journey beyond your boundaries and into unknown territory. This is an atmospheric piece featuring Craig Padilla on synthesizer and Marvin Allen on electric guitar. If you’ve ever wondered how a face-melting guitar solo might be blended with Hemi-Sync®, this is for you!

In all seriousness though, we chose this project because it is substantially different than any other musical piece we’ve worked with before. It helps that Craig is no stranger to Hemi-Sync®, having previously been featured on Awakening ConsciousnessCycles and Land of Spirit. Both Craig and Marvin come to us from the wonderful folks over at Spotted Peccary (everyone’s favorite ambient record label). For more on them, check out episode 6 of the podcast here.

Online Courses

Hemi-Sync® was used in more than 100 countries last year. It’s amazing to sit in my chair and watch the map of the world light up in real-time as a result of our website activity. We’re truly humbled and grateful to serve such a global audience, and we take the responsibility seriously. It’s been clear for a long time that such a geographically dispersed audience could benefit from some basic guidance in using some of our tools for consciousness®. Many of our users live hundreds of miles away from anyone, such as a Monroe trainer or chapter leader, who could offer such training in-person.

Moreover, other Hemi-Sync® explorers might simply require an offering that fits their schedule and budget. For this reason, we launched our first online course last month using the Inner States album, which we have long believed offers an ideal combination of ready accessibility for newcomers and also the possibility of very deep inner journeying.

The second course is based on the Journeys Out of the Body album, which we think will benefit greatly from additional guidance and instruction. Look for more self-guided courses on the site in the future, and also through GlideWing, who has been a great partner in this venture.

Spanish Gateway Experience®

Due to popular demand, and in another nod to our increasingly global audience, we recently released all seven Gateway Experience® Waves in Spanish. In the words of my favorite tennis player…¡Vamos!

Hemi-Sync® Unlimited App

New on the streaming service this month is Tim Freke’s album Deep Connection. I actually think this is the most under-appreciated piece we’ve released in the past few years. Many people come to us because they are looking for the spectacular, incontrovertible, transcendent experience, which can be essential for dissolving our perceived limitations and causing us to reconsider who we are and who we believe ourselves to be. However, who exactly are we going to be in the world?

That’s really where the rubber meets the road, and that work involves the nitty-gritty process of self-inquiry and integration. Without that, we’re just collectors of various peak experiences. Transformation requires seeing, hearing, relating, and living from a place of Being. I hope Unlimited users will give this important album another look. It’s especially powerful if you try it with a partner!

Free Stuff

When you’re a famous, New York Times best-selling author, speaker and teacher like Anita Moorjani, you have a very busy schedule. We were finally able to sit down together and talk about her collaboration with Barry Goldstein on Pieces of Heaven. I hope you will enjoy episode 23 of the podcast.

Towards the end, I was able to ask her one of the burning questions I’d had since reading her book, Dying To Be Me. It relates to her cancer treatment under alternative and Western regimens, as well as the quantum implications of feelings, language and support system in connection to healing.

By the way, if anyone asked me a couple months ago where I thought the Hemi-Sync® podcast ranked in terms of listenership, I would have said “below average.” For those of you that don’t follow me on Twitter @garretthstevens (seemingly all of you) my profile says “wannabe podcaster” for a reason. I was stunned to recently learn that we seem to be in at least the top decile, so thanks so much for listening!

>podcast graph<

Also, feel free to leave comments or ask questions. Special shout-out to the guy on the Tom Campbell episode who thought Tom was being interviewed by Jimmy Fallon. Note to self: wear less product in hair.

See you in Home or along the way,


Garrett H. Stevens
Chairman & President
Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync®

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