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Journeys Out of the Body

Garrett Stevens
  • 6 Lessons
  • 25 videos
  • 5 audio
  • 6.0 h Time

In this online course, you will learn techniques for inducing an out-of-body-experience (OBE), as described in Robert Monroe’s seminal book Journeys Out of the Body. Participants will be assisted by special Hemi-Sync® frequencies developed based on the book and will receive MP3 downloads of exercises as part of the course. An OBE is a state in which one’s consciousness appears to depart the physical body allowing perception by means other than those of the physical senses. Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body is an in-home training series designed to provide Hemi-Sync audio-guidance to those who desire to achieve this state. With practice, one can be brought up to the borderland sleep state, and through it, to experience the out-of-body state with full conscious awareness. Six tracks; first track is an intro by Robert Monroe followed by five exercises, four of which are unguided. Guidance manual included.The OBE phenomenon is discussed in great detail in Robert A. Monroe’s undisputed classic, Journeys Out of the Body (Doubleday, 1971). This book is highly recommended to complement this series. Pay particular attention to chapter 16 of the book.

In the book, Robert (better known as “Bob”) explains the use of “borderland sleep” to achieve a state of consciousness that is conducive to the out-of-body experience. The concept is quite simple: learning to attain and hold a state of consciousness where your mind is awake but your body is deeply asleep. However, its successful execution requires dedication and persistence.

This Mind Awake, Body Asleep state is a primary milestone in using the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, that will be used in this workshop to help you achieve an OBE, step by step.

The Borderland Sleep method outlines four main steps on the way to achieving the out-of-body state, which Bob labeled as Conditions A through D. The Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body series provides exercises designed to assist you through each phase of your journey.

Exercise 1—The Importance of Relaxation
In the set-up to this section, we will also cover the importance of the OBE, adopting the proper mindset and some suggestions for practice.

Learning to relax our bodies and quiet our minds is a skill that is critical to achieving an OBE. The Relaxation Reinforcement exercise uses audio frequencies that help induce a state of deep physical and mental relaxation. In addition, the verbal guidance in this exercise will teach you how to achieve and maintain a deeply relaxed state.

Exercise 2—Condition A
When you have learned to comfortably achieve and maintain a deeply relaxed state, this second exercise will guide you into the Borderland Sleep state — that delicate liminal state of being that exists between wakefulness and sleep. The frequencies in this exercise help you to maintain this state of mental attention, and to develop a sense of stability and peacefulness while in this altered state of consciousness.

In this section, we will address common sensations and experiences in the Borderland state, including the vibrational state — a typical exit symptom.

Exercise 3—Condition B
After you have developed a growing strength of focus and conscious awareness, the Condition B exercise will guide you to the next step — holding you steady in the Borderland Sleep State without the mental aid of focusing on a single thought-object. In this state, you will experience a sense of freedom from your everyday concerns and anxieties — to just be peacefully present with yourself.

Here we will discuss navigating non-physical realms and some of the obstacles we are likely to encounter when exploring expanded states of consciousness, including the fear barrier.

Exercise 4—Condition C
In this section, we will begin to learn exit techniques, beginning with the Target, as well as how to quickly and easily return to physical matter reality.

The Condition C exercise leads you through the systematic deepening of the Borderland Sleep State, guiding your fully conscious mind across and beyond the sleep threshold. The audio guidance signals will help you to let go of your rigid hold on the edge of the Borderland State, progressively deepening your level of consciousness.

Exercise 5—Condition D
The Condition D exercise puts all you have learned into a single exercise, with the most powerful frequencies in the series. With this exercise you will achieve a profound state of consciousness from which you can transcend your ordinary sense of reality. The deepest explorations into self and universe become possible here. You have no limits!

About the Guide:
Garrett Stevens is Chairman & President of Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync®, a conscious media company originally founded by the legendary Robert Monroe. At Hemi-Sync®, he sets strategy and oversees a talented team dedicated to creating tools for optimizing personal growth in the areas of meditation, relaxation, sleep, concentration and wellness. His podcast interviews and musings are available at and other social media outlets. View full bio

Journeys Out of the Body Online Course

(1 customer review)

Welcome to this course! Please complete each session in order and, most importantly, have fun!

Garrett Stevens

Welcome to this Course!

Garrett Stevens
Video Length


Garrett Stevens

Introduction to the Out of Body Experience

Garrett Stevens
Video Length


Thank you once again for being a part of our online community!

Our wish is that these practices make a significant difference in your life. Our very best to all of you on your journey.

Garrett Stevens, Hemi-Sync and GlideWing

Customer Reviews

  1. Journeys Pit of the Body Online Course

    (verified owner)

    I really loved this course even though I had previously purchased the CD set, this course gave me insight and I was able to understand what the different exercises were and gain more benefit. Also having the ability to do this at my own pace, and know I can repeat it really works for me. Life is busy and sometimes hectic, and I don’t always have the privacy and bandwidth to take scheduled programs.

This is a self-guided course and so please note that Garrett Stevens will not be available for answering questions in a discussion forum. This Online Course comes with six downloadable MP3s from the Journeys Out of the Body album. If you have previously purchased the album, please contact us for special pricing on this course. If you need assistance, please contact us by email at

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