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Listen. Experience. Sleep.

Hemi-Sync® can help people of all ages improve the quality of their sleep and dreams.

Sleep Better

Having trouble with insomnia, falling asleep, staying asleep, or just need a refreshing nap? Try our Hemi-Sync® sleep products made just for you.

Hemi-Sync sleep music

How does it work?

Watch video or find out more on our How Hemi-Sync® works page

Not sure where to start?


Not sure where to start? Let Hemi-Sync® help you produce the natural brain- wave patterns of the Delta sleep state using our unique binaural beats technology. Try Serene Sleep now! Or check out our titles for Dreams

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Learn to sleep better as part of a six album set containing ambient music and guided exercises for falling asleep

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How Lack of Sleep Affects Us by Dina Strada Sleep is a lot like sex. You don’t realize how much you need it until you’re not getting any. Then after days, weeks and even months of being deprived of those precious z’s we realize how cranky and o…

The Meaning Behind Dreams

What is the true meaning behind dreams? Can they be decoded? By Rebecca Turner Dreams are like letters from the unconscious brain. If only they were written in the same language that we use in waking reality. Alas, they are disguised through concept…

Blue Light and Sleep

Do you find yourself lying in bed for a while before you actually fall asleep? Do you find that this still happens even when you feel tired and physically drained? Bet you will never guess what is really causing you to have trouble sleeping at night.…

Hemi-Sync® Into Creativity

by Chok C. Hiew, PhD Chok C. Hiew holds a PhD from the University of Colorado and is currently professor of psychology at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He has been a Professional Member of The Monroe Institute since 1991. Dr. Hiew’s…

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

“Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing; beloved from pole to pole.” —Samuel Taylor Coleridge   The simple ritual of a good night’s sleep is an unparalleled necessity for good health. Referred to by William Shakespeare as “the chief nouri…

Sleep, Beautiful Sleep

– Russ Mason, M.S.   If there is one thing I dearly love, it is a long delicious sleep with pleasant dreams. Trouble is, I don’t always get a long delicious sleep. More often than not it’s a bit of tossing and turning before I start to…

Why do we Sleep?

Scientists know we spend a third of our lives sleeping—on average, a total of 25-26 years. But after decades of study, they still have no definitive answer as to WHY we sleep. All living creatures sleep. The ways various species sleep is as unique …

The Sound Medicine of Brian Dailey, M.D.

The Sound Medicine of Dr. Brian Dailey The Sound Medicine of Brian Dailey, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. (Alternative & Complementary Therapies) Dr. Brian Dailey treats patients with innovative Hemi-Sync® sound technology, originally developed by Robert Monr…

EEG and Subjective Correlates of Alpha-Frequency Binaural-Beat Stimulation Combined with Alpha Biofeedback

by Dale S. Foster Memphis State University May 1990 This study is dedicated to my Mom and Dad, my sisters, Denise and Diann, and my brother Doug without whose encouragement and support this project would have been much more difficult. Acknowledgement…

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