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Tasting Infinity

Tasting Infinity

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Tasting Infinity

(14 customer reviews)
Code MF111

Raise your vibration and facilitate quantum shifts in your consciousness to perceive the vast nature of your being.

Transformational teacher and award-winning author Suresh Ramaswamy invites you to taste the infinite nature of your being. You will be guided into the ultra-high frequencies of the Light of Infinity, raising your vibration and facilitating quantum shifts in your consciousness. While in these states of acute clarity, you will directly perceive the vast nature of your being. Hemi-Sync® frequencies will assist in easily entering these expanded states of consciousness as you find yourself floating in higher dimensions.

Three tracks; Track 1 is an introduction; Track 2 is the Tasting Infinity guided meditation; and Track 3, Abiding in Infinity, is for establishing the foundation to deepen and continually exist in this state of awareness. Music by Rob Dobson.
Executive producer Garrett Stevens. Engineered and mastered by Rob Dobson.

Another title by Suresh Ramaswamy is Light of Infinity


Customer Reviews

  1. very impressive

    (verified owner)

    I have been listening to the Mediumship series of Suzanne Giesemann, The Gateway Experience en yesterday to ‘Tasting Infinity’.
    I listened the first exercise on bed. Very calming and soothing guidance. During the exercise the mind was somewhere between thoughts and non-thoughts. Just being aware. And more surprising to me was when the exercise finished and I was to move the body. The body was feeling very heavy and pleasant tingling sensations everywhere.

    Well done Suresh!

  2. Beautiful beyond words..

    (verified owner)

    I had my first glimpse of infinity via Suresh’s tasting infinity mediation CD. The experience was so beautiful that it’s hard to put them in words. Wishing everyone who are looking to see their true self to be able to do it.
    Love and Light!

  3. Beautiful,expansive and uplifting!

    (verified owner)

    Beautiful journey into the Light of Infinity. Suresh has a soothing voice that carries you into an expansive state of being. Settle in, let go, and allow yourself be taken to the highest of vibrations.

  4. Excellent, powerful resource!

    (verified owner)

    The use of visualization and suggestion in this audio, and the overall excellent and knowledgeable guidance of Suresh, when combined with the special sound waves of the background music, create an internal environment that allows the listener to concentrate and go very deep. Every time one does this meditation, he or she will recognize (and achieve a greater understanding of!) more and more of the many Truths that are touched upon. And these insights will come through the listener’s own personal experience! Thank you so much for this product! Well done!

  5. Annoying Sound Track

    (verified owner)

    I’m making my way through Suresh’s book and bought this to augment the readings. This is the first Hemi-Sync album that I could only listen to a couple times. I found the background music annoying and not soothing.

  6. Such warm energy- and enjoyed the music! :)

    (verified owner)

    I found this recording to be very transformative indeed, The words and energy shared were infused with such love and connection, energizing the meditation for us all. And the music helped for me to get in a deeper meditative state. As I have listened to the recording, I find myself touched more deeply each time, with a sense of really feeling the light within me more and more in a way that is both magical and powerful. If you are looking for uplifting spiritual resources that will make a true difference in your life, Suresh has a way with his words that may really speak to your heart.

  7. Deep Experience

    (verified owner)

    I am enjoying very profound, soothing and deep meditation sessions with Suresh’s Tasting Infinity Meditation MP3 playing on my iPhone in the background. Each time I find the experience is very relaxing, especially my heart is relaxed and more open. The background music quickly rests my mind too. And, the silent period is where deeper connection with Infinity is experienced. I am delighted!

  8. Highly Recommend

    (verified owner)

    I have been participating in the Monroe gateway tapes for several months when I came across a podcast featuring Mr. Ramaswamy. As this meditation seemed compatible I decided to gave it a try. With so many free meditations available I am always hesitant to purchase. However in this case I am glad I did. When practicing with headphones I have had tremendous insights and deep experiences. Also would encourage repeating as the experience seems to be progressive. Well worth it.

  9. Love this

    (verified owner)

    I love this cd. It’s like no other. Pure bliss. Just takes you there. I highly recommend it. It is a part of my daily routine. So amazing

  10. Wonderful!

    (verified owner)

    I LOVE this meditation! Love the message, love the music, love Suresh’s voice. Very powerful and blissful mediation. Thank you!

  11. A taste of the sublime

    (verified owner)

    There are no words to describe the transcendence I experienced with this mediation. I’ve listened to it several times and each time I delve deeper into higher states of consciousness–beyond this finite realm to the pureness of infinity. What a gift for us all. Thank you, Suresh!

  12. An irrefusabe, incredible offer

    (verified owner)

    Why would I not give myself the benefit of the doubt when Suresh asserts with conviction that Light can be an incredible partner in my search to find my true nature. Though I have seen the Light before I came across Suresh I didn’t know what treasure it holds for me. Tears flowed from the bottom of my heart to experience such love, such yearning and assurance from Suresh in this album. His humbleness makes it irrefusable to explore it. We may not have to strive, suffer to get to our destination but take the help of Light which is already a part of us to make our journey enjoyable and glorious!

  13. Incredible Spiritual healing

    (verified owner)

    This album was the fist step in my spiritual journey and I should say It was the best thing that happened to me in 2022. I was struggling with anxiety, irrational fears, attention issues and anger. I knew something deep down had to change. My Transformation began here by utilizing the power of light from tasting infinity and since then there was no looking back. Thanks Hemi-sync and suresh for amazing work . I hope this encourages people to give this album and the alike a chance to create a lasting impact in their lives.

  14. 100% met my "litmus test"!

    (verified owner)

    I have just purchased both of his Light meditations without any knowledge of the author – one of those beautiful “knowing” that I needed to purchase. I am so very happy I heeded the nudge! My “litmus test” is, in meditation, when my spirit is in presence of Divine Love, I cry. And when I say I cry, it is a bubbling up from my gut until it gushes from my eyes. The tears are of overwhelming joy, profound gratitude and above all else — a washing over and through me waves of Divine Love. I first visited this holy place with the assistance of a plant ally so I know it when I feel it. This meditation took me there in a profound way. I am so excited to continue with the meditation and experience further and deeper communion with Love. This is a very, very special meditation. Thank you for making it available.


Suresh Ramaswamy

Suresh Ramaswamy

Suresh Ramaswamy is the award-winning author of Just Be: Transform Your Life and Live as Infinity. He is a transformational teacher and visionary entrepreneur passionate about igniting and catalyzing the transformation of humanity.

With his background as an electrical engineer and technology executive, he brings an inspired yet pragmatic approach to elevating consciousness on our planet.

Held in high regard by people around the world, Suresh’s light-filled presence and guidance awakens them to their innermost essence. Visit Suresh’s website at SureshRamaswamy.org

What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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