Hemi-Sync® Support for Healing
Cancer Support, English, Enhanced Well-Being, Health Issues, Joshua Leeds, Metamusic®, Pregancy/Childbirth, Spa & Yoga, Stroke Recovery, Surgical Support, Wellness
Hemi-Sync® Support for Healing
Experience enhanced well-being with restorative music from the Apollo Chamber Ensemble.
This unique restorative music collection, assembled from sound researcher and music producer Joshua Leeds’ highly-acclaimed Essential Sound Series, features psychoacousticlly arranged variations of Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet #1. Designed to support recuperation, healing, and enhanced well-being, Hemi-Sync® frequencies aid this process by moving you into a profound state of relaxation and helping to strengthen the mind-body connection. This soothing classical compilation is performed by the award-winning players of the Apollo Chamber Ensemble, featuring Lisa Spector, pianist. Length: 60 minutes.
Other Metamusic® titles produced by Joshua Leeds are Baroque Garden and Masterworks.

Joshua Leeds
Producer, Baroque Garden; Masterworks; Hemi-Sync® Support for Healing
Joshua Leeds is a sound researcher, educator, and music producer. He specializes in the field of psychoacoustics—the study of the effect of music and sound on the human nervous system, and bioacoustics—how human sound affects other living beings. He is the author of The Power of Sound (2010, 2001), Through A Dog’s Ear (2008), and Sonic Alchemy (1997). His fifty-plus recordings are used in homes, clinics, classrooms, and animal care facilities worldwide. Joshua teaches the therapeutic applications of music and sound to musicians, healthcare, and education professionals. Recent positions include the New York Open Center (NYC). Joshua resides in Ashland, Oregon.
Visit Joshua’s website at http://thepowerofsound.net/joshua-leeds/
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