Healing the Inner Child

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Healing the Inner Child

(3 customer reviews)
Code MF073

Assist your adult self in healing difficulties from childhood with compassionate verbal guidance and Hemi-Sync®.


Return to a time in your childhood, where something occurred that was difficult, and still limits you in some way. With the aid of Hemi-Sync®, Lee Stone guides your adult self to remember and witness this event in a safe and detached manner. As you observe this experience, allow the wisdom and skills you acquire to bring healing to your younger self through understanding and support, integrating this into your life. Repeated use of this exercise can be helpful for continued healing and inner peace. Length: 34 minutes.
Music by Michel Genest. Engineered and mastered by Kevin Cowan.

Also available in Japanese

Other titles by Lee Stone are: Connecting with Your Inner GuidesExploring Other LivesExploring Our FutureInner Healer; and Timeless Peace.

Customer Reviews

  1. Nothing short of amazing

    (verified owner)

    I do not want to say more than that I am amazed.

  2. Good, but weird

    (verified owner)

    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that inner child work has enormous value, the voice of the narrator in this recording really bothered me, predominantly because he sounded like the character of Buffalo Bill from ‘Silence Of The Lambs’. Other than that, the content was fine.

    • Everyone will have their own preferences around voice; however, a rather lengthy sample is available on this product page, so the narrator’s voice shouldn’t come as a surprise.

  3. Very deep! Be prepared.

    (verified owner)

    I was quite drawn to this album for some reason. The whole movement of “healing your inner child” is a very disappointing concept to me regarding parenting. I was apprehensive of getting it for awhile and in hindsight I now know why. *This is a very deep exercise.* Be prepared to remember things you might’ve forgotten regarding any childhood trauma, like things you might not want to remember.

    I’ve had this for over a month and I’ve only done it once. Maybe starting with the heaviest trauma was not the right call lol

    Anyways, I still like the concept of the exercise, I think the visualization/meditation is very clever, and something you can do again multiple times with different things you would like to receive peace from.

    In the days after I tried it I did find myself “coaching” myself, or reminding/encouraging myself about the truth of the situation, things I said in the exercise– this is how you get peace with this meditation. It’s you in the present giving love to your past self and receiving peace in the future. It’s weird, fascinating, and something for resilient hearts and brave inner children.


Lee Stone

Lee Stone

A large part of Lee Stone’s life quest has been to understand what consciousness actually is, and what other energy systems beyond our local time reality can be directly and consciously experienced. In this pursuit, he has studied psychoacoustics at the Monroe Institute. Lee is a Gateway Outreach Trainer for the Monroe Institute and utilizes the Hemi-Sync® technology to support his clients in their opening to high intuitive problem solving, inner guide communications, and past life regression experiences.


Stone is nationally certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming psychotherapy processes, and also Clinical Hypnotherapy with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. He is also certified in Page Multidimensional Cellular Healing, Rebirthing /Holotropic Breathwork, and is a Reiki master. He has been studying and exploring the metaphysical field for over 30 years. He is well versed in western philosophy, and has an extensive background in the disciplines and practices of eastern traditions, including Chinese Chou Tuan and Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, he has also spent nearly six months in silent meditation at Buddhist centers.


Lee believes that within each of us there exists a totally unique potential for personal growth and fulfillment. We have access to an intuitive process by which we are able to creatively resolve conflicts and limitations in our lives. As we become more aware of, and align ourselves to that part of our totality which is the knower, our daily existence acquires a heightened sense of meaning. We are then able to give greater expression to the soul’s wisdom and become more consciously creative in our life’s choices and decisions.


In addition to teaching seminars and workshops internationally, Lee Stone has a private counseling practice in Kingsport, Tennessee. He specializes in past life regression, timeline therapy with deep memory retrieval, and trauma integration. 


Visit Lee’s website at www.leestone.net

What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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