Frei Fließende Reise in Focus 21 (Free Flow Journey in Focus 21 – German)
Gateway Experience®, German (Deutsch), Meditation, Spiritual Growth
Frei Fließende Reise in Focus 21 (Free Flow Journey in Focus 21 – German)
Diese Übung stellt den Höhepunkt Ihrer bisherigen Arbeit und ein völlig neues Gebiet Ihrer Erkundung dar. Fokussiert und bewusst zu bleiben ist auch hier wichtig. Sie bewegen sich direkt aus Focus 12 heraus nach Focus 21, indem Sie ganz einfach Ihr Bewusstsein und Ihre Führung in das Licht von Focus 21 projizieren. Dort werden Sie erneut dazu ermutigt, Unterstützung und Führung von denjenigen zu erbitten, deren Weisheit, Entwicklung und Erfahrung gleich oder größer Ihrer eigenen sind. (Dieser Track stammt von Die Pforte zur Erkenntnis Welle VI Odyssee) Länge: 40 Minuten.
What is Gateway Experience®
Mind Awakening program to help you achieve expanded awareness, and much more.
The Gateway Experience® In-Home Training Series is dedicated to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Beginning with Discovery, there are eight "albums” called "Waves of Change.” Each Wave contains special Hemi-Sync® exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded awareness. While in such states, one has available a broader range of perceptions with which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance.
Each album is progressive in nature, building on the tools and techniques from the previous albums. Therefore, the albums must be used sequentially. The Gateway Experience Guidance Manuals, included with each Wave, prepare you for these exercises which help you to know and better understand your total self so you might enjoy a more fulfilling life.
What can you expect from the Gateway Experience?
"As much or as little as you put into it. Some discover themselves and thus live more completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily activity."
-- Robert A. Monroe
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