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Exploring Other Lives with Hemi-Sync (Japanese) による過去世(別の人生)探究

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Exploring Other Lives with Hemi-Sync (Japanese) による過去世(別の人生)探究

Code MF059J




波数によって、時間と空間を超越し、リラックスして静寂の境地に至ります。そして意識を拡張し自 分の人生の目的に対する洞察を得ます。

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Lee Stone

Lee Stone

A large part of Lee Stone’s life quest has been to understand what consciousness actually is, and what other energy systems beyond our local time reality can be directly and consciously experienced. In this pursuit, he has studied psychoacoustics at the Monroe Institute. Lee is a Gateway Outreach Trainer for the Monroe Institute and utilizes the Hemi-Sync® technology to support his clients in their opening to high intuitive problem solving, inner guide communications, and past life regression experiences.


Stone is nationally certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming psychotherapy processes, and also Clinical Hypnotherapy with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. He is also certified in Page Multidimensional Cellular Healing, Rebirthing /Holotropic Breathwork, and is a Reiki master. He has been studying and exploring the metaphysical field for over 30 years. He is well versed in western philosophy, and has an extensive background in the disciplines and practices of eastern traditions, including Chinese Chou Tuan and Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, he has also spent nearly six months in silent meditation at Buddhist centers.


Lee believes that within each of us there exists a totally unique potential for personal growth and fulfillment. We have access to an intuitive process by which we are able to creatively resolve conflicts and limitations in our lives. As we become more aware of, and align ourselves to that part of our totality which is the knower, our daily existence acquires a heightened sense of meaning. We are then able to give greater expression to the soul’s wisdom and become more consciously creative in our life’s choices and decisions.


In addition to teaching seminars and workshops internationally, Lee Stone has a private counseling practice in Kingsport, Tennessee. He specializes in past life regression, timeline therapy with deep memory retrieval, and trauma integration. 


Visit Lee’s website at www.leestone.net

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