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Focusing In Podcast #44: Becoming Psychic with Lisa Williams and Barry Goldstein

In this podcast episode Garrett Stevens is joined by Lisa Williams and Barry Goldstein to discuss how to activate you...


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Hemi-Sync® Launches Releasing Early Morning Anxiety

- Oct 4, 2018

Hemi-Sync® Launches Releasing Early Morning Anxiety Learn techniques to help you achieve inner peace throughout the day   LOVINGSTON, VIRGINIA...

Meditation Mental Health Psychology Self Improvement
Stopping Unwanted Behaviors – Ending Addictive and Compulsive Patterns through Compassion

Igor Zheleznov - May 31, 2015

Stopping Unwanted Behaviors – Ending Addictive and Compulsive Patterns through Compassion by Craig Metz, MS, LMFT Most of us do...

Meditation Mental Health Psychology Self Improvement Wellness
The Meaning Behind Dreams

Igor Zheleznov - May 1, 2015

What is the true meaning behind dreams? Can they be decoded? By Rebecca Turner Dreams are like letters from the unconscious...

Lucid Dreaming Psychology Sleep
“Good, Good, Good Vibrations”

Igor Zheleznov - Jul 1, 2014

Using Heart Energy to Create Wealth Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT Many people find it difficult to avoid becoming affected by...

Manifest Meditation Psychology
Adventure into the Self

Igor Zheleznov - Dec 9, 2013

by Carolyn M. Ball, MA, LPC An adventure into the self: What is that? What would be the results of...

Healing Lucid Dreaming Meditation Mental Health Psychology Self Improvement
Explore and Express Your Creativity

Hemi-Sync Staff - Jun 1, 2012

“When we engage our creative spirits, we draw up more power and wisdom to craft our lives and our world...

Manifest Psychology
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