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Research Papers

Clinical, independent and applied research spanning five decades.

Hemi-Sync Staff

Study Demonstrates Efficacy of Hemi-Sync® for Military Postdeployment Stress

James D. Lane, Stefan J. Kasian, Justine E. Owens, Gail R. Marsh

Binaural Auditory Beats Affect Vigilance Performance & Mood

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Musings of a Hemi-Sync® Explorer (Oct. 2019)

Dear Explorer, The autumnal equinox always reminds me of the rich indigenous heritage we have here in North America, as well as around the world. It’s a reminder of our connection to the natural world and how the elements, sun, moon and stars used …

What is Creativity?

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.—Edward de Bono, creative thinking expert We are all born with our own unique, natural ability to create. But in the process of growing up and ad…

Uncommon Tips for Health and Well-Being

by Russ Mason, M.S. For the better part of a decade I wrote for Alternative & Complementary Therapies, a medical journal. My principal task was to interview doctors and other health care practitioners who had something new to offer to the discuss…

Maria Monroe Whitehead

Gliding Adventures: Growing Up with Bob Monroe, Part 2

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