A Unicorn Named Georgia
A Unicorn Named Georgia
Child & Baby, English, Mind Food®, Sleep Better
A Unicorn Named Georgia
A magical bedtime story about a very special unicorn with Hemi-Sync® sleep enhancement frequencies.
Long ago and far away, in the land where magic and fairy tales begin, lived a very special unicorn named Georgia. As the only unicorn to be born with a golden horn, Georgia yearned to be like her friends, who often made fun of her, until one day her shiny golden horn saved the day. Track 1 features Georgia’s magical bedtime story voiced by the author, Morgan MacKenzie-Perkins, along with Hemi-Sync® sleep enhancement frequencies to gently guide your child into a deep and restful sleep. Track 2 features the soothing sounds of ocean surf (pink noise) with Hemi-Sync® sleep enhancement frequencies. Total length: 60 minutes.
What is Mind Food®
Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.
Nice bedtime story
By tburdess
Much like turtle island island, seems like a great story, soothing voices, music, all mixed with hemi-sync… and I pass out. Someday I’ll force myself to stay awake so i can hear the ending.
Also, thank you for fixing this so its playable on the app.