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Turtle Island

Turtle Island

Audio Player

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Turtle Island

(1 customer review)
Code MF054

A bedtime story by Patricia White Buffalo and Jane Ely, Ph.D

An American Indian “creation” story with Hemi-Sync® sleep enhancement frequencies. This delightful tale is about how “two leggeds” came to Turtle Island—the land most people know as North America. It is part of a revered Iroquois oral tradition for conveying spiritual and ancestral knowledge about the origins and history of their native culture. The narrative teaches children the importance of honoring Mother Earth and all of her creatures. Voiced by Jane Ely, Ph.D. with Hemi-Sync® sleep enhancement to guide your child into sleep after the story ends. Instruments featured: rattle, flute and drum. Length: 60 minutes.


Customer Reviews

  1. Sounds like a great story, then I pass out.

    This story seems so amazing, or at least what I get to hear of it before I pass out. I’ve never made it past the princess after she starts falling (that isn’t very far in story), in my 5 or 6 attempts. I’ve TRIED to stay awake a couple of time so I can hear the story… nope. The mixture of the background music, her voice and hemi-sync might as well be magic. If you want to sleep, this album is perfection.

What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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