Sacred Space: The Practice of Inner Stillness
Meditation, Mind Food®, Popular Meditation Titles, Relaxation, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, English, Reduce Stress
Sacred Space: The Practice of Inner Stillness
Experience the transcendent peace of sacred space with this powerful meditation by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn to connect with the sacred space that is the inner refuge in all of us. Revered spiritual teacher Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche masterfully guides you inward to feel, connect, and become the inner stillness, releasing anxiety, fears, and confusion. In the sacred space there is a presence, an awareness, a sense of knowing. Discover and feel the presence of joy, warmth, and love in that space, which is your inner wealth. Experience it radiating through your body, speech, and mind in the world, transforming places, situations, and people. Allow it to manifest in the world, bringing balance to the workplace, the family, to all people and places. Repeated use of the meditation will deepen your experience with each listening. Length: 42 minutes.
Engineered and mastered by Kevin Cowan.
Also available in Japanese
Other titles by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche are Healing Through Awareness and Sacred Sleep .
*Get all three of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s albums at a special price! Sacred Meditations Collection
A note from audio engineer Kevin Cowan on recording this incredible meditation:
It was such an honor to be able to participate with Rinpoche on this project. Our friendship goes back to 2001, at which time we discussed working on a joint recording project, at that time musical in nature. It wouldn’t be until Carol Moore suggested in late 2012 that perhaps he would be ideal to voice a meditation that she had in mind for a Hemi-Sync® release in the coming year that the opportunity to work together would be realized.
I had in mind that it would be best to record him at Serenity Ridge, his headquarters and retreat center, located in close proximity to our office and studio in central Virginia.When asked what topic he should focus on, our simple response was that he had the world’s ear, and we encouraged him to bring forth the message he felt of importance to impart.
On the day of recording we had a one hour window amidst Ligmincha’s year-end retreat. I quickly set and checked levels. He sat in his chair, wrapped in his robes, put his feet up and asked me to switch the light off.What is heard in the release of Sacred Space is as it was recorded. When asked by a mutual friend a couple of days later what his message for the recording was about, he didn’t know! He had simply been the medium through which it had been delivered.

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a respected and beloved teacher and meditation master in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. He teaches in more than 25 countries around the world and reaches thousands of students through his online programs.
Trained as a Bön monk, Rinpoche now lives as a householder, allowing him to more fully relate to the needs and concerns of his students. Known for the depth of his wisdom and his unshakeable commitment to helping students recognize their true nature, he is the author of many books and online courses.
Early Life and Education
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche was born in Amritsar, India, in 1961, following his parents’ journey from Tibet to India in 1959. At age 11, he began formal studies as a monk at Menri Monastery near Dolanji, India. There, he was recognized as a reincarnation of Khyung Tul Rinpoche, a renowned meditation master, teacher, scholar and healer who died in the mid-20th century.
Tenzin Rinpoche was raised like a son by his root teacher His Eminence Yongdzin (Lopon) Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the senior-most teacher of the Bön tradition. At age 13, Rinpoche began practicing dzogchen under the guidance of his other root teacher, Lopon Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, then head teacher of Menri Monastery, and other masters including His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche and Lharampa Geshe Yungdrung Namgyal.
An accomplished scholar in all aspects of sutra, tantra and dzogchen, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche completed an 11-year course of traditional studies at the Bön Dialectic School of Menri Monastery, where he was awarded his geshe degree in 1986. After graduation, he worked at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives at Dharamsala, India. In 1981 His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama appointed Rinpoche as the Bön tradition’s representative to the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile for that year.
Coming to the West
Rinpoche was among the first teachers to introduce the wisdom of Bön to a Western audience. In 1988, dzogchen master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche invited him to teach in Italy. That trip led to additional teaching opportunities throughout Europe. In 1991, a Rockefeller Fellowship took Rinpoche to Rice University in Houston, Texas. The United States has been his primary residence ever since.
Rinpoche founded Ligmincha Institute in March 1992 to support Western Bön practitioners and to preserve the Bön teachings and culture. From a small center in Charlottesville, Virginia, the institute has grown and evolved into Ligmincha International, an organization that includes five retreat centers, practice groups in many countries and languages, and an online community of thousands.
Current Activities
Fluent in English, Tenzin Rinpoche teaches in a warm and engaging style, frequently drawing on examples from contemporary culture to bring the ancient Bön teachings to life, making them relevant to the lives of modern people and a powerful basis for spiritual growth. He is equally at home teaching online and in a retreat setting.
Rinpoche regularly teaches in Europe, the United States, Mexico, Central and South America, and Asia. His teaching topics and locations may be found on the Ligmincha website.
He also is a leader in using technology to teach dharma. Rinpoche has offered free live webcasts since 2009, including through his Facebook page since 2016. Beginning in 2010 he has offered a variety of online courses, through both Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing Productions. With the support of his global volunteer base, Rinpoche’s teachings are available in as many as 18 different languages through both real-time translation and subtitles. Hundreds of hours of previously recorded teachings can be found on Ligmincha’s YouTube channel and Ocean of Wisdom.
Recognizing the diverse needs of students, Rinpoche has created two sister organizations to Ligmincha: The 3 Doors and Lishu Institute. The 3 Doors is an international organization that allows participants from all walks of life to go deep into the essence of the teachings. Its programs use meditation and community to support self-discovery, personal transformation, and actions that benefit others. Lishu Institute, a residential education and retreat center in India, offers intensive study and practice of the Bön tradition. Its programs run from two weeks to three months in length, with some participants choosing extended programs of study.
To learn more visit https://ligmincha.org
Photo by Janine Guldener
What is Mind Food®
Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.
Sacred Space: The Practice of Inner Stillness
By russburton1618 (verified owner)
Ultimate and Supreme !
Sacred Space: The Practice of Inner Stillness
By faithmoovz (verified owner)
I have found that there is something “so authentically special” about this and his other Monroe recording (Healing Through Awareness) that, for now at least, I have no desire to listen to anything else!
Very Effective
By Carole (verified owner)
This is one of my favorites, and I have dozens of hemi-sync recordings. I almost instantly go to a place of deep stillness. I struggled at first when he talked about imagining myself in mother’s arms, because I didn’t have that kind of mother, but I mentally replaced the maternal imagery with something else that works for me. The combination of the gentle guidance with the tones is very effective for me and has taught me how to go to my sacred space even when I am not on the meditation cushion. I have felt deep healing while meditating with this recording.
Mrs. AlG Sewell
By grace.john1.3
There is no linguistic way or best of the best words to express my gratitude for this. My heart is smiling and it’s translated to my face – my cheeks burn with JOY!’ Thank you Humble Heart xx