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Manifestare con Hemi-Sync® (Manifesting with Hemi-Sync – Italian)

Manifestare con Hemi-Sync® (Manifesting with Hemi-Sync – Italian)

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Manifestare con Hemi-Sync® (Manifesting with Hemi-Sync – Italian)

Code MF055I

Rilascia i blocchi all’abbondanza e trasforma i tuoi sogni in realtà.

La manifestazione consapevole non è semplicemente pensare a ciò che vuoi, affinché si avveri. Il processo di manifestazione coinvolge tutte le parti di noi – così come le energie al di fuori di noi – ed è più efficace e gratificante quando abbiamo un cuore aperto e una maggiore comprensione del processo stesso.

Usando la sua esperienza nella manifestazione, il Dr. Joe Gallenberger ha creato degli audio-esercizi con guida verbale, miscelata a speciali frequenze Hemi-Sync®. Sono utili per espandere la tua coscienza ed energia e aiutarti a creare o perfezionare i progetti che desideri. Migliora notevolmente la tua capacità di manifestare elementi positivi nella tua vita.  Contiene due esercizi guidati verbalmente.

Tradotto da: Elena Tonazzo
Rivisto e doppiato da: Luca Biotti

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Joe Gallenberger, Ph.D.

Joe Gallenberger, Ph.D.

Manifesting with Hemi-Sync®

Partners Meditation


Dr. Joe Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with 30 years experience as a therapist. He has a great interest in human potential, especially in how we can manifest our dreams. In 1995 Dr. Gallenberger began exploring psychokinesis, the ability to influence matter through non-physical means. After achieving powerful results at a university laboratory, he began to teach this skill to groups. He has used his discoveries to host over sixty Inner Vegas Adventures™, (link to http://synccreation.com/vegas-adventure) which take participants on a fascinating journey into personal power. His students achieve dramatic physical and psychological healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many desired manifestations in their personal and professional lives.

Dr. Gallenberger offers a variety of programs, described on his web site, www.SyncCreation.comto help individuals and businesses become more joyous and productive. A dynamic, heart-driven speaker, Dr. Gallenberger is in demand internationally as a workshop presenter on topics such as psychokinesis, healing, and manifestation.  He is also a senior trainer at the Monroe Institute.  Dr. Gallenberger trains a spectrum of Monroe programs and developed the Institute’s highly successful MC² (Manifestation and Creation Squared) program that teaches psychokinesis, healing, and manifestation. Dr. Gallenberger also developed SyncCreation®: a Course in Manifestation, (http://synccreation.com/the-course) which is the home study version of the MC² program.

Dr. Gallenberger’s latest book Inner Vegas: A Story of Miracles, Healing and Heart takes us on wild ride into world of psychokinesis (PK) where mind energized by the heart influences matter. Inner Vegas will surprise you as it reveals what is possible when we apply intention and heart-centered energy to mold reality to our desires, and it will show you how to tame the dragons that you may encounter along the way.


For more information visit Dr. Gallenberger’s website: www.SyncCreation.com.

What is Mind Food®

Mind Food® titles incorporate verbal guidance and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.

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