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Acupressure Healing Meditations

Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
  • 5 Lessons
  • 19 videos
  • 7 audio
  • 3.7 h Time

By learning how to use Acupressure points with meditation, you can find peace of mind & enhance your journey to spiritual awakening.

The points open the flow of healing energy to greater enhance your meditation practice and experience.

Michael will guide you step by step how to use key Acupressure points,
Acu-Yoga postures and mudras, hand-specific types of meditations.

Each session is intended to be completed over the course of about a week. In each session, we’ll focus on different ways in which these simple exercises can make a significant difference in your life.

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands (and even feet). There is a massive amount of scientific data that demonstrates why and how acupuncture is effective. But acupressure, the older of the two traditions, was neglected after the Chinese developed more technological methods for stimulating points with needles and electricity. Acupressure, however, continues to be the most effective method for self-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand.

In this section, MIchael will introduce himself and discuss the importance, benefits and applications of acupressure for pain relief, relaxation and spiritual practice.

Session 1

Topics covered in this session include:

  • Acupressure exercises for stress reduction and relaxation
  • Acu-yoga preparatory exercises
  • Acupressure butterfly meditation
  • Shoulder and neck stress release meditation
  • Exercise instructions

Session 2

  • Introduction to Acupressure exercises for healing and pain relief
  • Acupressure lock exercises
  • Meditation for pain relief
  • Meditation for counteracting addictions
  • Exercise instructions

Session 3

  • Introduction to Acupressure mental clarity exercises
  • A quick exercise to boost intuition and creativity
  • Clearing the mind
  • Meditation for mental clarity
  • Exercise instructions

Session 4

  • Introduction to Acupressure spiritual awakening exercises
  • Transcendental whistle meditation
  • Inner healing breathing and sound healing meditations
  • Exercise instructions
Workshop Features:
4 sessions – 4hrs

– Self-guided online workshop
– Practical instruction with streaming video
– View presentations as often as necessary
– Seven downloadable Hemi-Sync® exercises
– Detailed illustrated course workbook
– Learn and practice from the comfort of home

About the Guide:

Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. is an inspiring teacher who combines a friendly, warm, accessible teaching style with precise technical skill. Through his thirty-five years of experience, his groundbreaking self-treatment techniques have brought pain relief and healing to thousands of people.

View full bio

Acupressure Healing Meditations with Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.

Workshop Features:
4 sessions – 4hrs

– Self-guided online workshop
– Practical instruction with streaming video
– View presentations as often as necessary
– Seven downloadable Hemi-Sync® exercises
– Detailed illustrated course workbook
– Learn and practice from the comfort of home

Thank you once again for being a part of our online community!

Our wish is that these practices make a significant difference in your life. Our very best to all of you on your journey.

Michael Reed Gach, Hemi-Sync® and GlideWing

Welcome to this course! Please complete each session in order and, most importantly, have fun!

Michael Reed Gach

Welcome to Acupressure Healing Meditation

Michael Reed Gach
Video Length











Acupressure Healing Meditations with Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.

Workshop Features:
4 sessions – 4hrs

– Self-guided online workshop
– Practical instruction with streaming video
– View presentations as often as necessary
– Seven downloadable Hemi-Sync® exercises
– Detailed illustrated course workbook
– Learn and practice from the comfort of home

Thank you once again for being a part of our online community!

Our wish is that these practices make a significant difference in your life. Our very best to all of you on your journey.

Michael Reed Gach, Hemi-Sync® and GlideWing

Welcome to this course! Please complete each session in order and, most importantly, have fun!

Michael Reed Gach

Welcome to Acupressure Healing Meditation

Michael Reed Gach
Video Length











This is a self-guided course and so please note that Michael Reed Gach will not be available for answering questions in a discussion forum. This Online Course comes with seven downloadable MP3s, which do contain Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, and an illustrated workbook. If you need assistance, please contact us by email at interstate@hemi-sync.com

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