
Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 25: don Oscar Miro-Quesada on Gnostic Secrets of Shamanism

Peruvian curandero don Oscar Miro-Quesada expounds on the hidden secrets and meaning of ancient shamanic ritual and tradition. He also...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 24: Peter Russell on Effortless Being

Peter Russell, Cambridge-educated scientist turned renowned spiritual teacher, shares his thoughts on the coming merger of materialism and consciousness in...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 23: Anita Moorjani & Barry Goldstein – On Music and Healing

In this episode, New York Times best-selling author, Anita Moorjani, recounts her Near Death Experience (NDE) made famous in her...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Q&A: Suzanne Giesemann on Crossing the Veil

In this short-form Q&A, Suzanne covers her new Hemi-Sync® album, Mediumship: Making the Connection. In it, she clarifies what a...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Deborah Bromley Q&A: the Real Secret to Weight Loss

Deborah Bromley, renowned hypnotherapist and creator of Slimmer and Healthier: Creating a Slim, Healthy Body for Life has over 20...

Hemi-Sync Staff
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