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Transcendence and Transformation


Dear Explorer,

Ok, so I didn’t want to write about COVID again and took some time off, and wouldn’t you know it? We caught a virus. Yes, as many of you may have already heard, Hemi-Sync® has gone viral in the past few months.

I’ll quickly summarize for those who may be new to the story. It all started with a handful of TikTok influencers re-discovering the now famous Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process, a 1983 report by the Department of the Army, which is now available on the CIA’s website. It’s an extraordinary document which details one intelligence officer’s experience using Hemi-Sync® while attending the Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute and his theories of how it might be working, which extends to the underlying nature of all reality. It’s a tour de force of psychology, philosophy, esoterica, physics and quantum physics.

While the report has been circulating for some time among those “in the know,” it’s only truly been in the public domain since 2017 and has just gained widespread recognition recently. The TikTok videos have garnered tens of millions of views and led to feature articles in Vice and The Daily Mail, among others. We’ve linked to them in a previous post, if you’re curious.

We’ve seen a lot of increased interest in The Gateway Experience®, and Hemi-Sync® in general, as a result. I’ve always said that the zeitgeist is like the operating system of human consciousness, so the more we “get it out there,” as Bob Monroe instructed, the more we can participate in and effectuate the evolution of humankind. In particular we’re excited by the influx of young people who have discovered us. These are the ones who will ultimately carry this work forward, just as we all now succeed Bob, and the many others that led the way.

It is often the more sensational accounts of experiences with Hemi-Sync® which draw people to us, especially newcomers. But there will be no transformation of humanity without the transformation of the individual…of you and me. While the transcendent experiences may set us on the path, or greatly accelerate our journey on it, the process of transformation, of bringing about change in our daily lives, is where the rubber meets the road. The former involves transcending our layers of conditioning, the latter relates to working with them. Under my tenure, it has been one of my goals to produce more content that is helpful in this regard.

New Releases

Getting to Know Your True Nature by Suzanne Giesemann, with music by Jim Oliver, is our latest offering in this effort. Awakening need not be a lengthy journey filled with effort. It can happen in an instant, when the layers of conditioning are seen for what they are. Track 1 of this album is a means to de-condition the human thought patterns of separation, replacing these with concepts the soul already knows. We recommend listening to this exercise as often as necessary as the layers of conditioning dissolve. Track 2 is a free flow experience, with brief introduction, which invites you to rest in pure awareness during the extended periods of silence.

Back on the transcendent front, Out of the Blue is a powerful new musical experience from Don Peyote that leads you on a journey through time and space. Beginning with grounding and driving rhythms, you move into softer electronic ambient melodies, morphing into electronic rock, and on to a more period-sounding melody. Next, as if floating in space, the sounds of ocean mixed with dramatic ambient melodies prepare you to enter a more celestial realm of dreamy music and etheric voices. Finally, it brings you back to ground with steady chords and nature elements, ending with a gentle Spanish-flavored guitar piece to complete your experience. As you can probably tell, this is quite a trip. He’s not called Don Peyote for nothing!

Journey into Your Heart Musical Score with Hemi-Sync®, an uplifting and healing musical voyage to the center of your soul, is our latest Metamusic® release from Barry Goldstein. This piece was created from the musical score which served as the backdrop for a guided meditation by intuitive guide Lee Harris. The gentle and tranquil ambient textures, with a skillfully executed woven blend of violin, piano, and other instruments, will help you sustain a profound meditative state for expanding and evolving the spiritual heart – where your true self resides.

Many of you may be familiar with Micah Sadigh; he is the creator of several Hemi-Sync® albums, perhaps most notably, Inner Journey. We were touched to recently receive this message from him:

“…it was right before Christmas when I was paging through a book when I can across Bob’s picture. I took the picture when I did the Gateway Voyage at TMI.  It did not feel like an accident. It was shortly after meeting Bob (Monroe) that I composed Inner Journey. I can’t explain it, but it was as if he was asking me to help the Institute in some way.  The experience inspired me to compose and record the attached piece of music,  A Distant Starit depicts a journey, a Far Journey!”

Micah was kind enough to gift this piece of music to us, so we are now offering A Distant Star as a Flying Man Records® release. All proceeds will go to support scholarships to Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute.

Finally, we’re pleased to follow up last year’s Flying Man Records® release of The Winds of Spirit with a Metamusic® rendition this month. The Winds of Spirit with Hemi-Sync® by Byron Metcalf and Mark Seelig offers an opportunity to penetrate deeply into the dimensions of silence and space. Byron’s steady percussive magic, and Mark’s mesmerizing Bansuri flutes conveys a sense of the winds of Spirit gently blowing through the entire sonic landscape – in much the same way it does through our lives. Immerse yourself in the flow of existence with a calm sense of trust that carries you home. Additional musical support from Dashmesh and Paul Casper – along with powerful Hemi-Sync® frequencies – provides heart-centered sonic support for extended meditation practices, massage and body work, entheogenic and empathogenic exploration.

Hemi-Sync® Unlimited App

We just unveiled the biggest refresh of the Hemi-Sync® Unlimited service (monthly and annual) since it was first launched roughly two years ago, so be sure to check it out! For the first time ever, you can now create your own custom Hemi-Sync® with our new Mixer feature. We’ve made this available in response to popular request, so we’ll keep adding to it if you like it.

Free Stuff

Our next free Hemi-Sync® Meditation Group  will be on May 29that 1:00 PM Pacific Time. We’ll be working with Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming (SILD) by Luigi Sciambarella, as well as Völuspa, the epic Norse creation myth poem—a powerful journey of death, destruction and renewal ever present in the human psyche. As an added bonus, Luigi will be making a special guest appearance to set SILD up for us. Not to be missed!

If you enjoy meeting as a group over Zoom, want to dive deeper, or if you’re one of the millions of people that have recently found us and could benefit from some instruction in how to better use Hemi-Sync®, please consider my upcoming Explorers Wanted® Workshop. It’s the first, and possibly the only time I’ll be offering it this year. Early bird pricing is available now.

See you in Home or along the way,


Garrett H. Stevens
Chairman & President
Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync®



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