Dear Explorer,

It’s been a couple of months since I last wrote to you. Anything new (besides everything)? As we’re all adjusting to a different way of everyday living necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, several truths have become evident.

First, we all need each other more than ever, social distancing aside. Indeed, the interconnectedness of all humanity is really laid bare by this type of crisis. In a world where we may only be as healthy as our neighbor, we’re compelled to look after their well-being as if it’s our own. Our never-ending search for happiness outside of ourselves has been brought to an abrupt halt as most of us are confined to our homes, often with just ourselves. Yet amid the tragedy of lives lost and others irreparably altered, there will also be opportunities for personal growth and valuable lessons on offer – for those who are ready.

At Hemi-Sync®, we’re mostly working remotely and staggering shifts, where necessary, in consideration of the health of our team and surrounding community, but we’re still here to support you. Last month, we offered our classic wellness title, Journey Through the T-Cells, for free, and were overwhelmed by the response as the website recorded a new monthly record for traffic (thanks for not breaking the site!). So many people were writing to us after the event saying they had missed it, that we’ve decided to put it on our YouTube channel. Please give it a try and give your immune system a boost, while also taking some time to just relax. Moreover, a selection of related wellness titles will remain permanently discounted for the duration of this crisis (

Clearly, many people are turning inward, and to Hemi-Sync®, at this time, but not just for wellness…

New Releases

Inner States II: A Return to Light – Patty Ray Avalon is to Hemi-Sync® as Alec Baldwin is to Saturday Night Live – she is simply the most prolific contributor since Bob Monroe himself. Her long-awaited follow-up to 2010’s Inner States: Dawning of Awarenessone of our most popular albums of all-time, does not disappoint.

Many teachers have described consciousness itself as a kind of light, which is not limited to just the visible spectrum we’re able to see here in physical matter reality. In this four-track album, you are invited to explore yourself as a source of light and to find more integration in this world and beyond. Of particular relevance for this time is the third track, The Healing Light Center, which guides you to a locale in a higher dimension for restoration and balancing of all parts of your being.

Online Courses

Two more online courses were recently added to our growing stable: Peter Russell’s Effortless Being and Robert Waggoner’s Lucid Dreaming for Beginners.

You may know Peter from his album, Wisdom in Essencehe is a well-established teacher, author, futurist and keynote speaker. I especially appreciate Peter’s grounding in science and mathematics (he was supervised at Cambridge by Stephen Hawking) and how he blends those disciplines seamlessly with spiritual traditions. In this course, he very simply guides us back to the state of natural mind, allowing us to distinguish between the familiar egoic self and true Self.

Robert Waggoner is one of the world’s foremost experts on lucid dreaming. In his online course, he covers all of the fundamentals, including dream recall, navigating dream space, waking support, interacting with dream figures, induction techniques, useful applications and troubleshooting.

While Hemi-Sync® is based on the premise that you are your own best teacher, in certain areas of specialization there is no substitute for an expert. We hope you will choose to avail yourself of these opportunities.

Hemi-Sync® Unlimited App

New on the streaming service this month is Jonn Serrie’s Celestial Space with Hemi-Sync®. Jonn’s ambient space music is the perfect soundscape for chillaxing at home. Look for the first comprehensive refresh of Unlimited since it was introduced roughly a year ago, hopefully by the next time I write to you. 

Free Stuff

In addition to Journey Through the T-Cells on YouTube, be sure to check-out Dina Strada’s latest blog post, Surviving and Thriving: COVID-19.  In it, she shares some ideas for what to do during this time of “safer at home,” as well as how to be with it.

For more on the aforementioned Peter Russell, have a listen to Episode 24 of the podcast. Peter discusses his own spiritual path, the various anomalies of consciousness, how reality is constructed, where we get into trouble, and how that contributes to our own unhappiness. He also expounds on the coming merger of materialism and consciousness, and some of the implications of the current pandemic.

Finally, I conducted my latest local Hemi-Sync® Meetup group via Zoom and decided to invite 30,000 of my closest friends. If you missed it, we listened to Persistent Visions with Hemi-Sync®, and a track from Inner States II. We will also have that up on YouTube for the next week or so.

Please be well and be kind.

See you in Home or along the way,


Garrett H. Stevens
Chairman & President
Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync®


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