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In this episode, Dr. Traci Stein — noted health psychologist, award-winning author and creator of popular guided imagery, self-hypnosis and meditation audio programs — dives deeper into awakening psychic abilities, specifically clairvoyance.

Check out her newest album Cultivating Intuition: Developing Clairvoyance.

0:00 Intro
2:12 The psychic senses & clairvoyance
9:21 How hypnosis helps develop psychic abilities
10:31 What is a trance state?
12:55 How journaling helps develop psychic abilities
14:44 Distinguishing intuitive information from other thoughts and feelings
18:47 Understanding when it’s not right to share intuitive information
22:33 What is psychic dreaming?
28:58 Boundaries around your psychic work

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Hemi-Sync Staff06/21/2023
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