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Is Hemi-Sync® like hypnosis?

Yes, they are similar. Hypnosis is an induced, altered state of mind, in which the body is deeply relaxed, sufficient to be temporarily ignored, except for demands like bladder fullness, etc. It is sometimes described as “focused concentration.” This “state” is one in which the participant has perhaps even more control over the body and self than in “ordinary” states of consciousness. Witness the fact that hypnosis is sometimes used for pain control in minor surgeries, childbirth, and even dentistry. It is an expanded state of awareness, in which one can be fully aware of the sensory data from the environment, (sound, light, temperature, etc.) and at the same time can develop awareness of other data sources as well, such as past lives, out-of-body information, information from guides, one’s inner self, etc. Neither state can “make” you DO anything. You are able to maintain your faculties for choice and value systems, including choosing to follow suggestions from the therapist or not. Hemi-Sync® is designed to leave control in the hands of the listener as well. In this sense, it’s somewhat related to self-hypnosis. Hemi-Sync® does not “make” you do anything. It simply creates an effect that helps you move into a certain state, providing that you relax and are open to responding to the Hemi-Sync® process.

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