Yantra Mantra DVD
Dream Better, English, Enhanced Well-Being, Meditation, Reduce Stress, Relaxation, Sacred Geometry by LightSOURCE Arts, Stress Management, Wellness
Yantra Mantra DVD
Captivating and entrancing 75-minute music video with 3D animation featuring the enchanting voice of Deva Premal.
Captivating and entrancing 75-minute music video with 3D animation featuring the enchanting voice of Deva Premal.
Yantra Mantra —Sacred Light Sacred Sound merges the ethereal splendor of Deva Premal’s enchanting voice with relaxing Hemi-Sync® binaural beats and the breathtaking beauty of LightSOURCE living mandalas. Together they form a potent spiritual cocktail that expands the mind, heals the heart, and uplifts the soul.
Yantra Mantra is a fusion of animated sacred mandalas—both ancient and new—and ageless spiritual chants with movement, rhythm, color and the Hemi-Sync® frequencies. Yantra Mantra activates personal transformation, facilitates mental and physical relaxation, and leads to holistic spiritual awareness, resulting in a state of “peaceful awakening.” Perfect for group meditation and for individually finding peace within.
What is Sacred Geometry by LightSOURCE Arts
Experience personal development and enhanced well-being.
Sacred Geometry by LightSOURCE Arts with Hemi-Sync® products are visual aids (DVDs, software, and iOS device videos) of sacred geometry and other sacred symbols combined with a Metamusic® soundtrack. These products may be used daily to manage stress and improve health and well-being. With appropriate intent, this vibrant mix of ancient wisdom and new technology may be used as an extraordinary tool for transformation. Regardless of how you choose to use it, you will always benefit from its calming, centering and rejuvenating effects.
Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things, allowing us to discover the balance and harmony in all manifest reality. The ancients believed the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them, the "sacred” had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness—the ultimate sacred wonder.
Sacred Geometry by LightSOURCE Arts with Hemi-Sync products allow you to experience higher aspects of Self within the design of pure Source energy. As the blueprints literally come to life before your eyes, you are propelled into ecstatic play with the magic of the universe—the very heart of Creation. When you enter the world of Sacred Geometry, you will recognize as never before, the wonderfully patterned beauty of the natural world.
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