Aeoliah, English, Enhanced Well-Being, Meditation, Metamusic®, Spa & Yoga, Stress Management, Wellness
Immerse yourself in an ethereal “homecoming” of the soul with the frequency-raising music of Aeoliah and Hemi-Sync®.
Aeoliah is internationally known for his healing and uplifting music that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Radiance combines the harmonizing and transcendent effects of Aeoliah’s music with powerful Hemi-Sync® meditation frequencies to transport you into higher more expanded states of consciousness. The spiritual communions made possible by this divinely inspired composition are emotionally engaging; the feelings engendered deeply touching and profound. Use for massage and energy healing work or for deep, experiential meditation. Instruments featured: piano synthesizers, flute, voice and angelic choir. Length: 61 minutes.

Aeoliah (pronounced: Ay-oh-LEE-ya) was born and raised in Germany until he was ten when he immigrated to the US with his parents. He completed his university training at the University of New Mexico in 1975, graduating cum laude with a degree in fine arts. His works of art have been exhibited in well-known world museums such as the Art Institute of Chicago and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.
During his early teens he took formal music lessons on the violin and played in his local high school orchestra. However, his true love was always the piano. In 1979, while he was in process of completing a painting entitled Music of the Spheres, he began to hear tonal harmonies that corresponded to the healing tones and translucent colors in the painting. He then got the idea that light and sound are somehow linked as universal forms of healing energy, and this in turn became his inspiration and vision to create his first album, Inner Sanctum, in 1980.
What started out as impressionistic, improvisational textures of electronic and acoustic instruments blending together in rich harmonic overtones of transparent, ethereal sound, later evolved into more structured compositions. These have since become well known classics of the New Age meditation and healing music genre.
For over 30 years he has studied the effects healing sound vibrations have on our nervous system, and how these affect the health of our emotions, physical body, and spirit. This allowed him to develop a unique style of harmonic tones and sound frequencies that correspond to different parts of the body and brain.
According to Aeoliah, "Pure sound therapy at its best is music that helps us to retune and align our energy to more positive, uplifting sound vibrations that dramatically help reduce high levels of modern day stress and tension in our body, mind, and spirit. As these healing sound frequencies enter our bodies, they immediately begin to harmonize our emotions and perceptions by activating the universal life force essence, also known by the ancient Chinese as ‘Chi’ energy. This helps to enhance the function of our immune system by rebalancing and strengthening our endocrine and chakra system. It also helps to enrich our lives by allowing us to experience healthier feelings and thoughts. It helps shift our attention from the mundane world of habits, addictive behavior, overstimulation of the senses and media, to a world of inspired beauty, inner peace, harmony, love, and freedom. This is what inspires all my music.”
The music he composes is designed to create a sacred sonic environment for your inner journey and healing. He states, "Instead of filling up space with a bunch of sounds, the music creates an expanded sense of space and peace that enfolds and nurtures you. The music actually breathes and expands the space around you and within you, allowing you to connect with your innermost presence and soul.”
To date, Aeoliah has produced over 35 musical recordings that are used by health professionals around the world. All of his musical compositions are inspired from deep states of meditation and attunement to a higher spiritual source.
Visit Aeoliah’s website at www.aeoliah.com.
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