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Mindfulness Meditation

Charles Tart
  • 8 Lessons
  • 33 videos
  • 18 audio
  • 6.2 h Time

Foundations of Mindfulness: Bringing Mindfulness into Your Every Day Life With Dr. Charles Tart

A Self-Guided, three week, experiential workshop with step-by-step instructions for bringing Mindfulness into your daily life. Includes nine guided meditations with and without Hemi-Sync® (18 total) that you can download and keep for your ongoing practice. See what works best for you and let us know!

Mindfulness is about learning to wake up. Do you often find yourself stressed or anxious? Do you feel that your life is a series of challenges with only brief respites in between? And no matter how hard you try, there always seem to be more problems for you to deal with? In our modern fast-paced society many of us feel this way. We can change this with a contemporary form of an ancient practice called Mindfulness Meditation. For centuries, various forms of this meditation have been used not only by spiritual practitioners for stilling the mind and attaining deeper wisdom and enlightenment but by many ordinary people looking for more understanding of and harmonious operation of their minds.

Highlights of this online course:

    • Practical instruction presented with streaming video – no set class times
    • View presentations as often as necessary
    • Learn and practice from the comfort of your own home
    • Guided meditations at the end of each session
    • Downloadable guided audio exercises for your practice

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation:

    • Eliminate stress, anxiety and depression
    • Increase energy levels
    • Promote relaxation and restful sleep
    • Improve creativity, effectiveness and productivity
    • Create a feeling of well-being and an overall happier outlook on life

At the physical level, mindfulness meditation:

    • Improves blood circulation
    • Aids in lowering blood pressure
    • Strengthens immune system
    • Improves brain function
    • Slows the aging process
    • Minimizes pain sensitivity

Click here to learn about scientifically documented benefits of mindfulness.

About the Guide:

Dr. Charles T. Tart, Ph.D., an internationally renowned scientist, author and teacher, pioneered the field of consciousness studies decades ago when he was one of the first Western scientists to promote the study of the physiological and psychological effects of meditation practice. His classic book Altered States of Consciousness made the phrase "altered states" a household term. Currently a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, Dr. Tart has authored 14 books (three of them on Mindfulness) and more than 250 articles in leading professional journals, including Science and Nature.

View full bio

Mindfulness Meditation

Welcome to this course! Please complete each session in order and, most importantly, have fun!

Charles Tart

Foundations of Mindfulness

Charles Tart
Video Length


Thank you once again for being a part of our online community!

Our wish is that these practices make a significant difference in your life. Our very best to all of you on your journey.

Dr. Charles Tart, Hemi-Sync® and GlideWing

Mindfulness Meditation

Welcome to this course! Please complete each session in order and, most importantly, have fun!

Charles Tart

Foundations of Mindfulness

Charles Tart
Video Length


Thank you once again for being a part of our online community!

Our wish is that these practices make a significant difference in your life. Our very best to all of you on your journey.

Dr. Charles Tart, Hemi-Sync® and GlideWing

This is a self-guided course and so please note that Charles Tart will not be available for answering questions in a discussion forum. This Online Course comes with eighteen downloadable MP3s, nine of which do contain Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology. If you need assistance, please contact us by email at

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