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(2 customer reviews)
Code MA100

Michael Maricle’s uplifting electronic music combines with Hemi-Sync® to facilitate a highly focused state of attention while enhancing memory.

Michael Maricle uplifting electronic music combines with Hemi-Sync® to facilitate a highly focused state of attention while enhancing memory. Tend to tasks with confidence while balancing and sustaining energy, and experience clarity of thought in the absence of distractions. May also be helpful for ADD/ADHD and other learning challenges. Special thanks to Professor Barbara Bullard for her contributions. Length: 56 min.

Another Metamusic® title by Michael Maricle is Breakthrough for Peak-Performance. 

Customer Reviews

  1. Enjoyable music

    (verified owner)

    Very uplifting at beginning and end, shifting to a soothing section in the middle.

  2. uplifting and relaxing music

    (verified owner)

    I purchased the MP3 version of this CD, along with a few other tracks, mainly to help me with concentration while I work, study, or relax while drawing. This track can be used as great background music for all three activities. It is very uplifting and puts you in a good mood.


Michael Maricle

Michael Maricle

Breakthrough for Peak-Performance, Elation

Michael Maricle has been making music since the age of four when he first sat down in front of a piano. He began piano lessons at age six, and spent the majority of his childhood creating music and improvising on the piano. By the age of twelve Michael was immersed in the world of electronic music and technology - synthesizers, samplers, recording, and music software. Michael has a BA in Music Composition from the University of California Santa Barbara College of Creative Studies, which provided a foundation for his talent. At UCSB he studied composition, electronic music, recording, sampling, music theory, orchestration and sound design.

The music of Michael Maricle is ethereal, melodic, expansive and transcendent. It takes the listener through worlds of imagination, emotion and stillness.

Discography - Dreamelodia, Reflections, French Press, Beautiful Worlds (with Bloom)

Hemi-Sync Titles - Breakthrough, Elation

Michael currently lives in Seattle, where he continues to create beautiful music.

Visit Michael’s website at: www.michaelmaricle.com.

What is Metamusic®

Metamusic® is more than music. From soul-stirring New Age to dramatic ambient, and the timeless popularity of classical, Metamusic combines delightful musical selections with Hemi-Sync® binaural beats sound technologies to entertain and benefit the listener. Many titles feature special blends of Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies to slow excess mental activity in order to facilitate meditation or support deeper, more profound relaxation. Other selections feature a predominance of Beta frequencies for focus and concentration, or Delta frequencies for sleep enhancement. Metamusic titles are experiential and may be used to facilitate a given application or simply for musical enjoyment (but NOT while driving or using heavy machinery).
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