
Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 22: Tom Campbell – We Live In A Virtual Reality

In this episode, Garrett asks Tom Campbell about his early days in Transcendental Meditation and Monroe Labs, and how it...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 21: Byron Metcalf & Mark Seelig on Modern Shamanic Practice

Byron and Mark discuss their backgrounds in holotropic breathwork, transpersonal psychology and shamanism in how it shapes their music and...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Hemi-Sync® Podcast Episode 20: Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on Dream and Sleep Yoga

Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen master in the Bön tradition. In this episode he discusses the ancient...

Hemi-Sync Staff

Hemi-Sync Podcast Episode 19: Andrej Hrvatin (Nimetu) on Shamanic Music

Andrej Hrvatin is a musician and sound artist focused on deeper connections between music, philosophy and transcendental states. His Hemi-Sync®...

Hemi-Sync Staff
Tim Freke, Author & Spirituality Expert

Hemi-Sync Podcast Episode 18: Tim Freke on Being Deep Awake

T!M FREKE is a leading-edge thinker who shares original ideas with clarity and humour. He is the author of 35...

Hemi-Sync Staff
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