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In order to help you experience the benefits of using Hemi-Sync’s binaural beat technology, we’re offering The Way of Hemi-Sync for free! You can download the MP3 or order the CD (shipping charges will apply to the CD).

This verbally guided demonstration will introduce you to the extraordinary benefits of the whole-brain states of consciousness made possible by Hemi-Sync®.

You will hear, feel, and understand how Hemi-Sync® works and then enjoy a relaxing and deeply restful experience. 29 minutes.

Way of Hemi-Sync 300x301

To download the MP3 to your computer,

Click Here

(35MB filesize)














Cautions and Disclaimer

While many of our audio products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® while driving or operating heavy equipment, or with other devices that may influence brain wave activity. If you have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or other adverse mental condition(s) DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® without first consulting your physician. In the unlikely event that you experience any unusual physical or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue use. ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED.

Hemi-Sync Staff12/10/2013
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