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by Dina Strada

When I wake up every morning lately the first thought I have is, “What a gift. The Universe sure knew what it was doing with this whole ‘safer at home’ mandate.”

We are in a brutal and heartbreaking time in the world. This is a global pandemic like none we’ve seen in a very long time.  People are sick and others are dying every day. It’s incredibly scary and is bringing up a lot of anxiety and fear in people.

It’s also a beautiful opportunity for us to re-wire and re-program ourselves. In this small window we’ve been given to stay in and slow down (with the exception of first responders and other essential workers who are serving us in this time of need), we are being given the opportunity to go inward and connect with ourselves in a new way.

Rather than falling apart, it’s an invitation to fall inwards. What in your life wasn’t working that is coming into your awareness now? And what can you do in this time you’ve been given to change it?

I’ve heard a lot of people say the words, “I’m bored.” Especially our children. I get it. When we take all the outside stimulation and busyness away, it can feel uncomfortable. Here are some things you can do to lessen the discomfort:

  • Read more books
  • Take naps
  • Talk to loved ones for longer periods of time
  • Sleep in
  • Binge watch all those shows you’ve been meaning to watch
  • Play board games with your kids
  • Sit with loneliness so you can learn to be alone
  • Get into better shape with virtual workouts
  • Take your dog on an hour walk instead of 15 minutes
  • Start a meditation practice
  • Sign up for an online course
  • Get back to that passion project
  • Journal
  • Try out new recipes
  • Be of service to those who need you

Our world will not go back to normal. What we’re experiencing now is a reset of our planet with the intention of creating a new normal – one where people are being asked to let go of their old ways of being and adopt new ones.

We will have newfound respect and appreciation for our teachers, healthcare workers and grocery store personnel. We will understand the importance of spending real, quality time with our families that go beyond sitting in a room together and watching TV.

Companies will consider allowing people to work remotely to cut down on the cost of office space, decrease traffic on the roads, and improve air quality.

We will know our neighbors better. Some of us will meet people we’ve lived on the same street as for years but never took the time to knock on their door to introduce ourselves.

Connection will become something we can’t live without rather than something we avoid. Deep, meaningful connections in place of obligatory social outings and commitments.

Attending a concert, a sporting event, a music festival or a party will feel more like a privilege than just another Saturday night.

We will realize how alike we all are, as we see that nobody, no matter what their race, socioeconomic background, or religious ideologies makes them immune to getting sick or going through the same experiences.

We have an opportunity to make this time in history one that serves a purpose and has meaning for us if we’re willing to go within and ask the question, “what can I do right now with this glorious time I’ve been given?”

So, what will you do?



Dina Strada is a freelance writer and Life Coach whose work has appeared in Huff Post, elephant journal, Medium, Thrive Global, Chopra, Mind Body Green and various other online publications. Read more of her work at www.dinastrada.com.

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