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The Stories We Tell



Dear Explorer,

Storytelling has played a crucial role in human history, serving as a primary way to communicate values, beliefs, and knowledge across generations. Even before written language, stories have been used to pass down traditions, customs, and cultural identity, often encoded in myths, legends, and folktales. Indeed, religious or mythological stories attempt to explain the mysteries of the universe and human existence, offering comfort and guidance.


Beginning with young children, stories work as a powerful teaching tool, making complex ideas more accessible and memorable, and serving as valuable frameworks for shaping our understanding of the world. Moreover, sharing a common narrative strengthens social bonds while reinforcing a collective identity and sense of belonging, thereby allowing communities to unite in the face of external threats or challenges.


While stories help to frame our understanding of the world, our personal story helps us make sense of our place in it. Our personal story is told by a familiar voice, or narrative self, that captures the feeling or phenomenon of interiority that is perhaps the central aspect of selfhood. It’s the feeling that I, and only I, have access to whatever is going on inside my head right now. What specifically is going on is always some kind of story about who we are, or who perceive ourselves to be. It may be grandiose or self-effacing, strong or weak, outgoing or reserved, depending on what we have adopted as our particular strategy for survival, and to feel safe.


The overall effect of a story, whether it be collective or personal, is to give life meaning and coherence. At some point though, we might catch ourselves, take a look around, and realize that the stories we’re telling ourselves are no longer working or making sense, or serving us well. For those that live an examined life, this point of departure becomes inevitable, and may become a recurring theme in our lives. The reason for this is that the story is always deficient or incomplete in some way. We desire the story in the first place because we are disconnected or estranged from Source, from our direct understanding of who and what we authentically are.


For others, we may wonder when the story is going to change for them. When will they see the limiting effects of the stories they are telling themselves, that they are so clearly trapped in? We might think that the world would be a more pleasant place if this could happen sooner, rather than later. We can only each be responsible for ourselves. But when we individually work and transform, we also work for humanity-at-large.


As creators of a specific type of media designed for changing your story, what I call “conscious media,” we offer our users a new story—one of connection, wholeness, abundance and peace, where consciousness is fundamental. Together with our users, we are putting a new story out into the world-at-large and changing the collective consciousness, bit by bit. Indeed, culture can be thought of as the operating system of consciousness. Clearly, we are collectively in need of a new O/S as the current story of mind, form and time is nearing the end of its useful life, after running human consciousness for thousands of years. Conscious media changes global consciousness itself. When combined with our proprietary audio guidance technology, Hemi-Sync®’s contribution to this process is uniquely amplified.


People tend to want an end to things; to find the ultimate. For instance, scientists are always looking for the most elementary particle, or for a Theory of Everything. But will science stop if they find it? Not likely, because there will always be new things.


Spiritual people do the same thing. Buddha wanted to end suffering, but suffering is just a perspective. The function of the teaching story is to reach a part of the individual that can’t be reached in any other way—which can’t be grasped with the intellect. In other words, each teaching may be a good story, but it is still just a story. It’s a good reminder to never take any story as the final, definitive truth, and to always find out for yourself.


With this in mind, I would like to highlight some of our new releases, each of which offers the opportunity to change your story.


New Releases


In May, we were pleased to unveil the third offering from Dr. Lotte Valentin, entitled Ancestral Healing: Unlocking the Doorway to Self-Realization.. This four-track album invites you to delve deep into the exploration of inherited blocks from your ancestral lineage to unravel the layers that may impede your journey toward unlocking your full potential. Dr. Lotte guides you to discover and overcome seven self-realization blocks you may have inherited from your ancestors (some stories go way back!) which may be preventing you from embracing your true self and stepping into your innate power.


In another trilogy, Dr. Traci Stein’s Cultivating Intuition: Developing Clairaudience addresses the capability of “psychic hearing,” or the perception of information via auditory phenomena. You will also activate and balance your throat chakra—the psychic center associated with clairaudience. With practice, you can feel more confident and easily tap into your clairaudient ability, recognizing how this information tends to come through for you.


It’s been a busy time for Dr. Lotte, as she returned in August with Circle of Trees Healing Meditation Journey, her first title outside of her Ancestral Healing series. This healing meditation takes you on a journey to the 5th dimension, where you will feel the interconnectedness between yourself, divine source, and your spirit guides, allowing you a profound connection with the healing intelligence of universal consciousness, as well as with your own divine healing team. It incorporates several different healing modalities including visualization and intention-setting.


Dr. Lotte developed this meditation after years of spiritual studies, as well as working with the spirit world as a psychic evidential medium, trance healer, ancestral healer and medical medium with clients from all over the world. The meditation is inspired from a Shamanic and spiritual healing perspective and can be used to create physical, emotional, or spiritual healing in your own life. When we allow ourselves to receive healing from universal consciousness, spirit guides, and other divine helpers, miracles can occur. It is Dr. Lotte’s personal hope that this meditation will also create a healing miracle for you.


We have another great piece with long-time Hemi-Sync® artist and multi-award winning producer Barry Goldstein. Released in September, Alpha & Omega is a two-track album that offers the perfect beginning and end to your day. The first track, Alpha (Mystical Morning) is a peaceful yet bright composition to help you relax the nervous system for meditation and balance as you get ready to face the day. Track 2, Omega (The Cosmic Mystic) offers a more subtle musical meditation and is ideal for listening to at the end of the day, as you allow the peace and calm to permeate your mind and body and prepare to enter sleep. The Hemi-Sync® frequencies in each track will easily lead you into those desired states. Barry also shares some great sleep insights in this dynamic conversation.


In our fast-paced and often stressful lives, finding moments of peace and emotional balance is essential for our well-being. Reverend Lee Taylor created Blessings of the Heart to tap into the innate wisdom and healing power of the heart, guiding you to explore and cultivate positive emotional states including awe, fulfillment, abundance, forgiveness, and protection, aided by Hemi-Sync® frequencies to lead you into the heart space. By experiencing and embodying these positive emotions, you can enhance your overall sense of well-being, cultivate inner peace, and foster a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.


Also, be sure to catch Father Lee’s podcast episode where he discusses what it means to lead a progressive church, sound healing and his stint on UK’s Squid Game.


Once again, we’re always looking for new talent, whether it be for musical or guided exercises. If you know of someone we should be working with, please send them our way.


In Case You Missed It


Some of you may know that I have also been running the online operations of New World Library since March. The subject matter we have been covering in the podcast has been broadening for years, but with this most recent development it was time to finally change the name of the show. Beginning with Episode 42, featuring author Samantha  Bennett, the Hemi-Sync® podcast is now called Focusing In (same great host though)! Be sure to catch Amara Honeck’s pod on practical shamanism for letting go, and Traci Stein’s return visit to the show in Episode 39.


Last, but not least, be sure to take advantage of our Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales this weekend. Stay tuned for special flash sale opportunities on rarely discounted items where you will enjoy savings of over 20%. It’s our most unique sale of the year, so don’t miss out!


See you in Home or along the way,
Garrett H. Stevens
Chairman & President
Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync®

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