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Byron and Mark discuss their backgrounds in holotropic breathwork, transpersonal psychology and shamanism in how it shapes their music and holds the potential to transform lives, as well as the modern world we all inhabit. Topics covered include working with experience in altered states, psychoactive sacraments (synthetic and plant-based), the creative process, and how we can apply ancient wisdom combined with modern knowledge to tackle some of the difficult challenges we face, both as individuals and as a species. Towards the end of the conversation, they get in to their newest Hemi-Sync® album, Persistent Visions.

Another title by Byron Metcalf and Mark Seelig:
Deep Time Dreaming

And these titles by Byron Metcalf:
The Shaman’s Heart with Hemi-Sync®
The Shaman’s Heart II with Hemi-Sync®
The Shaman’s Heart Program: The Path of Authentic Power, Purpose and Presence
Medicine Work
Spirit Gathering

If you would like to see more podcasts that aren’t specifically related to our new products, please consider supporting our podcast Patreon page and enjoy discounts on this website as a supporting patron.

Hemi-Sync Staff10/02/2019
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