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by A.J. Honeycutt

StreamhavenThe motivation and essence of Streamhaven was borne out of a brainstorming meeting in the spring of 2013. The focus was to develop audio exercises to address today’s fast-paced world where everyone is pressed for time: I thought about the commuter, the lunch break, the carving out some time with an audio player…about a half an hour is all you get at times. How can we effectively detach in such a way where we can rest for a while? What is that environment like? Can we accomplish it in a 30-minute meditation? We believed so, and to that end Streamhaven was created.

During this time I was writing about childhood memories as well, and there was a creek that I would visit regularly, just to listen to it. It was transporting – the perfect vehicle.

To help create the proper environment for this project, the digitally-recorded stream is from a very special place in Virginia, where the idea and reality of the confluence of two rivers is present, and there actually is that perfect spot for everyone.

The stream sounds enable release and relaxation, while carefully blended Hemi-Sync® rhythms provide for a quick respite, leaving you refreshed and aware at the end of the exercise. The simple affirmation allows you to go to the spot that you have established, when you need it, and realize the same ease without actually having to hear the exercise. It’s remarkable.

The second track (Streamflow) was designed for relaxed “free flow” listening, when you have more time, or if you only want to hear the sound of the stream.

AJ-Portrait-webA.J. Honeycutt is the stepson of Robert Monroe
and serves as president of Monroe Products.






©2014 Monroe Products. All rights reserved.

A.J. Honeycutt04/01/2014
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