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Surgical Support

Alternative therapy titles to ease the experience of surgery

Information reported by individuals and/or by professional practitioners about the use of Hemi-Sync® Products.

I am a private nurse and from my observations I highly recommend these tapes [Surgical Support Series] and would use them myself. Number 1, the tapes calmed my mother for surgery. Number 2, I give these tapes credit for her lack of pain or perception of it. Number 3, her rate of recovery was remarkable even the doctors commented."

"I started using the Pre-op tape immediately after being diagnosed with breast cancer. I listened to it every night to help me go to sleep. It was the only way I could relax. The surgeon was very impressed with the Intra-optape. The tape was not changed in the recovery room until several hours later, and I was only given one small dose of pain medication. The surgeon and nurses said they have never seen anyone who had just had a mastectomy that did not require more medicine. I had full range of motion in my arm as well. The first few hours I was experiencing a lot of nausea when I would wake up. As soon as the tape was started again, the nausea went away. I was also able to come home much sooner than the doctors expected. Once I was home, I used the Recuperation tape daily to relax.”

The Department of Surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Hospitaluses Hemi- Sync tapes in conjunction with other therapies to help patients heal more quickly and with less anxiety and pain. They recommend the Surgical Support tapes for use prior to and during a medical procedure and while in recovery. They recommend a variety of other Hemi-Sync tapes to foster healing and maintain optimal wellness in the hospital and at home.

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