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Accelerated Learning and Memory

Accelerated Learning and Memory

Improve concentration with Hemi-Sync


Information reported by individuals, educators, and others about the use of Hemi-Sync® Products.


With only one day to study for the state insurance licensing exam, I thought it was hopeless. I'd never be able to remember a manual of 190 pages. Although I wasn't confident, I decided to give it a shot. I began studying at 9 a.m. and by 1 p.m. was losing my ability to concentrate. I put the Concentration tape into my continuous tape player and finished the book at 3:05 a.m. the next morning. I passed with an 86, thanks to Concentration which enabled me to maintain my concentration for 18 straight hours.


A thirty year-old dyslexic called to say that Hemi-Sync is like a "shot in the arm." After only a month of using the PAL Executive Package, Attention, Synchronizing, and Think Fast, he's aware of a noticeable improvement in cognitive ability. This has made a big difference in on-the-job effectiveness, and has changed his self-image from someone with a handicapping condition to that of a self-directed achiever.


I was worried about passing the test I would soon have to take to become a court reporter. I had been studying hard, but my speed wasn't what it needed to be. After I started using the PAL Student Package for practice sessions, my speed picked up. I knew I'd pass, and I did so in a relaxed and confident manner.

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