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Winter Robinson

Winter Robinson

Before realizing that her search for "truth” was really a quest for deeper spiritual meaning, Winter Robinson settled into an educational system that valued analytical reasoning. She chose to spend her time, energy, and mind building a career in the mental health field. Starting as a therapist for the Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto, she returned to the US to teach college level psychology classes and direct a continuing education program for mental health workers. But in the early ’80s her carefully designed world of psychology and mental health flipped upside down.

Working as an analyst for the state attorney general, she had a precognitive experience that was so detailed and accurate that it changed the way she saw reality.

Lately she wears many hats: author, consultant, educator, therapist, medical intuitive, permaculturist, gardener, "realist” and futurist. Winter strongly believes that we must think differently: co-operate with each other, share resources, and work together as we enter a time of diminishing resources.

Visit her website at http://winterrobinson.com.

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