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Michael Moon

Michael Moon



Michael Moon is an award winning composer, musician and performer from Toronto, Canada. For the past 20 years he has researched and specialized in the power sound has to heal and transform.


Michael has studied many healing modalities and currently works as a sound healer, astrologer, and photographer as well as an international recording and performing artist.


Michael's five CDs are used widely for meditation, yoga, massage, deep relaxation, and healing sessions. Though much of his music is very delicate, spacious and ambient, some of his music has been compared to a combination of Pink Floyd and Leonard Cohen. With his deeply mystical lyrics combined with shamanic techniques and integrated with solid pop structures.


The music is composed, performed and recorded by Michael Moon with a variety of exotic instruments including vibraharp, hammered dulcimer, marimba, bells, crystals, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, guitars and percussion. To enhance the healing qualities of the music no sequencers or synthesizers are utilized.


These compelling sonic productions incorporate Michael Moon’s unique methods of sound therapy creating a powerful yet gentle atmosphere in which healing is facilitated. His modus operandi is to help harmonize humanity back to the vibrations of nature and help us hear the unique song of our soul.


Through all this Michael's music crosses many boundaries, between genres and between worlds, creating a sonic bridge to the divine—a living temple of sound.


To find out more about Michael Moon, his music and sound healing, visit www.thetempleofsound.com.

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