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    • Micah Sadigh, Ph.D.
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    • Mind Food®
    • Metamusic®
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    • Voiced by Robert Monroe
    • Human Plus®
    • Non-Hemi-Sync® Albums
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Micah Sadigh, Ph.D.

Micah Sadigh, Ph.D.

Dr. Micah Sadigh is Professor of Psychology at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Micah began composing music while attending Moravian College as an undergraduate student. Under the guidance of two remarkable professors, James Brown (composition) and Creg Shuler (piano), Micah composed and performed a 45-minute project entitled, In Search. Two movements of the composition became “required listening” for the course in Electronic Music at the University. This was followed by Beyond the Limits of Perception and Final Departure. Meanwhile, a small group of fans began sharing Micah’s music with students in other colleges and universities. Within a few years, there were several hundred fans anticipating new music. Because of their support and encouragement, Micah composed and produced new material on a yearly basis (a total of seven, hour-long concept albums).

After meeting Robert Monroe at a seminar, Micah composed two compositions, Inner Journey and A Visit to Locale 2 (which was not released). Both pieces were inspired by Mr. Monroe’s books. These compositions have been followed by seven other Metamusic® releases to date.

Micah’s music is an expression of the soul’s desire for reaching out and reuniting with the Creator, the source of Love, the sustainer of all things. Each composition consists of several overlapping movements, which tell a story about the soul’s journeys.

In addition to composing music, Micah has authored four books: The Secret Path, The Way the Universe Reveals its Secrets, Autogenic Training, and Existential Journey.

“I am grateful to Hemi-Sync® for sharing my music with thousands of beautiful souls throughout the world.”

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