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John Gregorius

John Gregorius

JOHN GREGORIUS has been a fixture on the acoustic, ambient and post-rock guitar scenes for a number of years. His music is continuously featured on the top radio outlets including the legendary Echoes radio program as well as SiriusXM Spa.

As producer, guitarist, and engineer, John has produced and/or played for artists such as East West, Reel Big Fish, Bionic Jodi, music from India, along with various other artists. As time went on he began to create the music that came to him naturally. The sound that resulted grew both out of his expansive view of The Divine, and through his renewed love for the guitar. The music springs from the idea that everything is miraculous. The result is a joyous blend of acoustic and electric, digital and analog, and – in his own words: a “thank you for the beauty around us, and for the deeper purpose we can experience.”

John begins almost all of his compositions with a guitar, a looper, and reverb. Each of his rich, immersive pieces are built from this simple foundation, with guitar loops forming much of recordings’ background ambience. On Full of Life and In Awe, he recorded most of the album on an Ovation 1867, and a Paul Reed Smith electric tuned in Robert Fripp’s new standard tuning.

He was awarded at the ICMA (InterContinental Music Awards) for “In Awe”, and his music can now be heard on Sirius XM’s Spa channel.

You can find John’s music on all music sites and streaming services, as well as Wayfarer Records and Spotted Peccary Records.

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