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Happy New Year!

It’s a celebrated and time-honored exercise to bring good intentions, new beginnings and resolutions for positive change into the New Year.

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions dates from 153 BC. Janus, a mythical two-faced king of early Rome, was placed at the beginning of the calendar year. Janus could look back on past events as well as look forward to the future, and became the ancient symbol for resolutions.

Webster’s Dictionary defines “resolution” as “an outcome or result that serves to settle a problem, uncertainty or conflict.” Perhaps we would do well to consider using the word “solution,” which Webster’s defines as “The successful action of solving a problem.” While “resolution” promotes feelings of adversity or challenge, the word “solution” can invoke creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness, and perhaps can help inspire a method for achieving a desired change in behavior.

As we strive to change, we may encounter conflicting forces that make our goals more difficult to achieve. We may resolve to lose weight, but the more we try the more we seem to crave food. We may intend to embark upon a new career, only to fall back on the security of the existing status quo. Wikipedia cites recent research indicating that while 52% of participants were confident of success with their resolution goals, only 12% actually were successful.

There’s a great deal of “expert advice” on how to make resolutions and achieve your goals. One of the better sources is the University of Maryland Medical Center’s website, which offers a resolution guide featuring advice from UM’s medical system experts to help maintain motivation and avoid common pitfalls. These include:

  • Prepare yourself psychologically, and keep things in perspective.
  • Focus on realistic goals with measurable results, and choose those that have real meaning. Break things down into smaller steps.
  • Get started immediately! Do not wait until you feel motivated, or have more energy to begin.
  • Think in positive terms, but don’t get caught up in perfection.
  • If you experience a setback, see it as a lesson and use it to your advantage.
  • Tell a friend or loved one about your resolution so they can help you stay on track.
  • Include and honor your spiritual side.

By tapping the wealth of energy we all have within, we can effect positive change that is sustainable. Hemi-Sync® offers many possible solutions to assist you, such as breaking unwanted habits, manifesting those things you want to bring into your life, curbing your appetite, letting go of destructive patterns, and others. We wish you success in your resolutions (solutions) this year!

Learn more about Hemi-Sync here.

Hemi-Sync Staff07/19/2017
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