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The Shaman’s Heart II with Hemi-Sync®

Monroe Products: Why did you create The Shaman’s Heart II? What is different from the first album?

Byron Metcalf: I’ve had many requests over the years to create a “long form” shamanic journey CD – a journey that would not be interrupted by separate tracks or even separate tracks that seamlessly flow into each other (crossfading). The award-winning “The Shaman’s Heart w/Hemi Sync” contains 7 tracks and is based on subdivisions of the “classic” shamanic journey tempo of 220 beats per minute (55, 110, 220). The heartbeat rhythm is 55 bpm with the drums and rattles being played at all three tempos at various times during the individual tracks. Although the tracks flow seamlessly into each other using nature sounds and ambient atmospheres, there are clear demarcations between the tracks, which is fine, and in some situations, even preferable. So the idea of creating “The Shaman’s Heart II” emerged as logical way to expand on the original by creating a long form composition that also utilized the subdivisions of 220 bpm and the heartbeat rhythm, but would be a continuous 70 min journey with no individual tracks. The Shaman’s Heart II continually evolves and builds in rhythmic complexity and dynamic intensity and is further expanded by the sonic mastery of Steve Roach, who provides analog and organic textures and atmospheres throughout. The result is a deeply powerful and sustained shamanic journey that culminates in returning safely home to a heart-centered presence.

MP: How does the music help people move into the heart space?

BM: The continuous heartbeat rhythm, along with the rattles and drums creates a profound mind-body-heart entrainment experience that invites and supports the listener in making direct contact with their heart and heart space in a sustained manner. Steve Roach’s heart oriented analog waves and textures deepen and help hold the space for the listener. The title “The Shaman’s Heart” serves as an “invocation” and the creative focus and intention of the project is infused and embedded in the music and sounds. Of course the addition of Hemi-Sync® serves to further enhance, amplify and support all of the above.

MP: How is this relevant to everyone, even if they are not walking the shaman path?

BM: I am convinced that developing the primary capacities and essential qualities of the heart is a fundamental component for living an authentic, heart-centered and soul-based life. The Shaman’s Heart and The Shaman’s Heart II are unique tools specifically designed to support the development of these primary capacities and essential qualities of the heart: Clear and Intelligent; Full and Compassionate; Open and Trusting; Strong and Powerful. So from this perspective, I believe this is relevant to anyone and everyone who is seeking a more fulfilling and satisfying life regardless of orientation or path.

MP: What else is helpful to know when working with it?

BM: Repeated use of The Shaman’s Heart II will greatly enhance the development of the primary capacities and essential qualities of the heart that I just mentioned. Repetition creates new neural pathways in the brain and the heart and therefore will strengthen the mind-heart connection. In addition, the music can be used for various methods of shamanic journeying, dynamic movement, dance, and meditation practices, breathwork and so on. And it is a perfect companion to The Shaman’s Heart Program where it can be used for advanced exercises and practices.

Byron Metcalf, Ph.D., is a transpersonal guide and educator, shamanic practitioner, researcher, and professional musician. Byron holds a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology, a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and is a certified graduate of Grof Transpersonal Training and Eupsychia Institute’s Psycho-Spiritual Integration programs. Byron has trained, studied, and worked with shamans, healers, and psycho-spiritual teachers from many parts of the world including Stan Grof, Jack Kornfield, Hameed Ali, John Davis, Ph.D., Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., Jose and Lena Stevens, Sandra Ingerman, and Don Americo Yabar. For nearly three decades, Byron has been intensely involved in consciousness research and spiritual development, specializing in the transformative potential of alternative states of consciousness. As a drummer, percussionist and recording engineer, Byron produces for deep inner exploration, breathwork, shamanic journeywork, body-oriented therapies, various meditation practices and the healing arts. To learn more about Byron Metcalf and his work, visit his websites:  www.byronmetcalf.com or https://holoshamanicstrategies.org.


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Hemi-Sync Staff05/30/2014
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