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by Maria Monroe Whitehead

Maria Monroe WhiteheadWhat is creativity? Maya Angelou said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.”

Whether it’s as simple putting together an outfit for the day or as complex as planning a city, we are all striving to meet a need or solve a problem. We are constantly creating, whether we realize it or not. It is a force that drives us, as we are creations of our Creator and thusly are all mirrors of that divine prism.

As an artist, I am constantly seeking inspiration. I would like to share three resources that I use in my life to get new ideas.

Silence. I believe we are most creative in silence, daydreams and meditation. In silence we quiet our minds and become open to ideas and inspiration.

Nature. Spending time outdoors, listening to the sounds and silence of the natural world allows us to experience the timelessness of nature. Elements of trees, flora and fauna, and bodies of water large and small have been used as inspiration throughout the ages in art, architecture and design.

Perspective. And finally, thinking outside of one’s “cultural box,” so to speak, forces us to take on a different perspective that often leads to enhanced creativity and renewed inspiration. One could view a foreign film, travel to another country or visit a museum. Today the internet offers instant means to research and investigate diverse cultures.

Striving to experience the manifestation of our thoughts gives joy to life. By engaging deeply and fully in our own creativity, our potential becomes endless and exponential.

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Maria Monroe Whitehead09/02/2014
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